Dec 3, 2022·edited Dec 3, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

I am so sickened with him on the daily. I saw we flood their offices with MERRY CHRISTMAS CARDS to the quantity of millions of cards. Can someone amass this much cards? We need to make it a goal if not this year the next, bombard HIS residence with Merry Christmas cards. Hypocrite. Like I said, dare I see one Christmas decoration in his house or parliament… Meanwhile you should see what other nations are doing for Christmas. Villages, markets every sweet u can imagine, celebrating international customs, completely emersed into Christmas making it like a fairytale for all to enjoy. No discrimination! Only this tyrant is erasing a nation from its customs. He can go to H where he belongs and celebrate anything he wants down there. I hope no one shows him mercy. That is the worst punishment I can think of. No mercy for him, his family and clan. Everyone who followed and executed his orders and participated in enabling this lunacy. He is out of his mind. He did the worst thing for himself anyway. He lied on the stand and swore on the Bible. If he doesn’t believe in it, he has no problem lying incessantly indefinitely no mattee what’s at stake. If he did that, ( which in Christianity automatically damns your soul), then he does it for everything and anything with anyone without a care in the world. He is a conman and belongs in jail. How can we the ppl purge him and save our country? is there not an intervention to remove someone endangering Canada and its ppl????? what good is our Charter of Rights for???? How can we not physically throw him out of office? would he have mercenaries open fire on citizens? what is it going to take? If only everyone stopped filing taxes. NO SERVICE NO TAXES.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Totally agree with you on everything. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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Thank you! to you and yours as well!

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Like that idea!!!

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What the HELL is this creep going to do next?

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Expect the worst.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

De fund His Paid Bias Media!

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Just a little ahead of the future which is coming fast. There will not be any Christians in Canada. Trudeau is smart. He is rewarding what will be in Canada in the future, future votes. It will be those “minority” groups which he admires. As he should. They will vote Liberal. They will vote for continuing dictatorship.

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He needs to be put down like a rabid dog, nothing less!

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‘Trudeau is not smart! He is an evil, manuipulative, narcissistic, emotionally damaged little boy in man’s body who supports sexual perversion and child abuse. NO! He is not smart - more like Canadians and Conservatives are absolutely stuipid for allowing him to get this far. Merry Merry Christmas. Lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink. Merry, Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!

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Merry Christmas to you and yours.🎄

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Thank you.

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Hitler didn’t make Nazism. German people made Nazism.

Canadians allow and collude in the Trudeau reign.


Merry Christmas. The world turns as it does. God bless us all.

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But God is smarter than him and he will come to see that!!!

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Dec 3, 2022·edited Dec 3, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

I like the idea of everyone mailing Trudeau a Merry Christmas Card!

Here is the address:

Office of the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

80 Wellington St.

Ottawa , Ontario

K1A 0A2

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Yes, let’s flood his office of evil with Christmas cards, no stamp required.

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And he claims to be Catholic!

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We claim he is a scumbag communist

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

as i have said from the beginning, only one way to settle this, i am too old, but if i was 30 years younger i would be leading the charge

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau the antiChrist? Closest thing Canadians have to it.

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You should respect any religion that means well and if you don't than your nothing but a follower of the devil

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Too bad so many people don’t respect it!

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Might be ‘his’ agenda, but he is not my God. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas - and it will be for our family!!!

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Liberals can stick their heads up their ****. Despicable group- do none have a conscience or are the men in the group infatuated with him too? A true slimmy sliver of evil!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Needs all prayers he can get!!!!

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I pray so too.

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everyone send this communist dog turd a Christmas card

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A fascist simpleton

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Merry Christmas. And when I see friends, family and acquaintances this year, I’ll be wishing everyone I meet, a very Merry Christmas. I’ll be lighting a few Hanukkah Menorahs along the way. But me, I’ll be saying Merry Christmas. And too I’ll tip my hat to Kwanzaa. Like Trudeau I want to have a go at being Mr Dressup. I wonder when he’ll drag his old man’s Santa Suit out of the attic over at Stornoway. Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas. How would you like to sit on Santa’s knee. Ho, ho, ho. Would you like a little more debt from Santa. Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas.,

Justin Trudeau is a poorly educated fool. His inclusiveness is backfiring at the grass roots. He lies! He is a hypocrite! He is a narcissistic windbag! And I believe a traitor. He is though, a wily and sneaky member of the underclass, the kind politics generally attracts. Politicians in Canada and the United States, are generally parvenu upstarts, ever on the lookout for the main chance. They want desperately to belong but nothing about them is not for sale. Did they miss the sign? Soliciting? Use the tradesmen entrance, please. Their souls are cheap. They sell them cheaply. Why do the corrupt elite never invite them inside? The Trudeau’s, like Brian Mulroney, are small time con-men. There’s always a paper bag stuffed somewhere out of sight. Their money buys them nothing but contempt. Please pick up you bag at the bus station.

Canada presently, has no means as yet established to remove a Prime Minister. But a first time establishes a precedent. Does he watch the men being blown up in Ukraine, on the Internet he wants to banish? There are drones in Ukraine capturing the needless slaughter of men in a war promulgated by NATO. ONE MINUTE DOZENS ARE ALIVE THE NEXT MINUTE THEY ARE BLOWN TO PIECES. It disgusts me no end to watch this senseless slaughter.

In fact Trudeau is a evil man. And the Main Stream Press and their counterparts at the CBC are no different. Evil fools pretending to a captive audience they are sophisticated intellectuals. But they are bought men and women; their souls even cheaper than their rain men. Then there is that smooth operator Ian Hanomansing — a man as smooth as butta’ you might say. When is he going to ask Canadians “…how are you enjoying the war? i.e., do you support NATO?” All the Liberals from sea, to sea, to sea, will be clapping their bloody hands — like seals.

Some public figures are waking up and recognizing Justin Trudeau for the vile lying hypocrite he is. These people though are mocked by Canada's establishment and their lackeys. The liberal party is larded with people who know nothing of Canadas history. Yet they get off the proverbial boat and quickly begin parroting Justin Trudeau’s vile propaganda. Clearly Trudeau has hitched Canada’s wagon to the most hateful ideology manifest in the 20th Century.

Communists have shed their old name like a snake sheds its skin; you say you didn’t notice! Today they prefer the more insidious appellation; progressives. Ha! What is progressive about killing one’s babies. Women stupidly buy that crap; but it is men performing the abortions. Where is the necessary reverence for life? Without that a society is doomed. Now we are collectively advocates of government assisted suicide too? The Liberal party know nothing they are not ready to assist.

There is a precedent for this; Trudeau is hardly an original. Eastern Europe after the Second World War became a nightmare for men and women there, who thought after the defeat of Germany hell had been vanquished. Not at all! Anne Applebaum wrote a book about the disaster wrought by the Communists in Eastern Europe. Communism is a cancer! It is promulgated by people attracted to its simple minded solution to vast and complex problems — but especially attracted to its subversive undermining of decent people and their consciences. Trudeau is one of those!

Rather than facing their inadequacies progressives choose to sneakily disguise them. Progressives spend their entire lives assisting themselves to a seat at the publics trough. They mock people with a moral centre. The snake is a seducer, mesmerizing it’s prey with its hypnotic stare. Snakes slither along the ground unseen until the last moment before they strike. Boa Constrictors swallow their prey whole, then slither back into the grass with a look of satisfaction on their snouts.

It’s not surprising Trudeau prefers to present himself like a carnival freak; while the crowd are mesmerized, his team of pick pockets are hard at work filching the wallets of the suckers. And Canada is nothing, if not a land of suckers! They stream down the midway of life. Eating candy floss and mouthing breathing those greasy pogo sticks which have nothing to recommend them in appearance either. Food as a dildo. Cause soon you won’t get a sniff of the real thing. No steaks for the working class, eh!

Those Canadian suckers, meh. They love the midway. Every now and again they hesitate at a game of chance, look nervously at their wives, and risk big. They toss a few dimes at the cheap glass dinner plates and look completely chagrined when they win. When the carny hands them a big turquoise panda bear, while barking “winner; there goes one,” they look around with an almost guilty smile as though they had been caught with their hand on a suckers wallet. Ever so quickly, they hand their prize to their wife. Who me, they shrug? When they walk by the Moulin Rouge when the girls are spinning their pasties he really, really wants to look. They are up there in broad daylight doing the bump and grind and the guy’s eyes are swivelling like a skittish horse. He wants to look, but his wife is scrutinizing every muscle in his neck. When he gets home he sits the panda in a chair in the corner.

“Well,” he is heard to say, “I held the dime just so, on the tips of my fingers and … blah, blah, blah!”

Canadian politics is like that; a bloody carnival. The midway crowded with snivelling cowards and risk averse half men. Look at Mr Trudeau. Every carnival has its Mr Trudeau’s. And Mrs Trudeau’s too! The wife.

Recall when that prick Obama, another slithering shyster, addressed Parliament, the way the wife clapped her hands like a bloody seal in heat. Virtue signalling in semaphore she was. She must have been an embarrassment to the entire Liberal establishment. Was she banished? Or did she finally discover the truth about his nibs former experiences out in Lotus Land. What did she expect goes on out back of the big tent?

Merry Christmas Mr Trudeau. Thanks for everything.

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