May 26, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau is a disaster to the Canadian state and should be incarcerated for the damaging and harmful things he has done to all Canadians.

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Well spoken Brad I am tired of Trudeau's arrogance and waste of taxpayers funding!

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With thanks.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Can we please bring back , tarred and feathered to Canada.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

trudeau fancies himself as a supreme leader. Like xi ping pong, he doesn't ask the people for their opinion he is next to God.

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should B next 2 6 ft under.

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This is a very "inteligent" comment. It only tells me that both leaders do not have to be worried about their future.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Only because Singh , the traitor, allows it.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

A traitor is a traitor and a mindless has no courage whether it be balls or guts. Numbers speak for them selves and somebody will either leave the country or be put behind bars and have nothing left but to be happy, I'm pretty sure a inquiry will happen down the road, just like clowns after their act they hang their costumes up but are not forgotten , I don't like the act I'm seeing, I stand against corruption

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It is neither Trudeau or Singh who are the problem It is a massive size of individuals who are supporting the parties and their leaders. The Canadian voting population has been brainwashed for many decades and are like obedient flock od sheep. Conservative party of Canada for the practical purposes does not exist as a force. There are no other leaders who would be supporting any conservative policies Poilievre is putting forward. CPC is just a joke. With 1,000,000 immigrants a year from third world countries, are the security that this totalitarian/fascist like regime will be in control of Canada for years to come. It is the voting public who is making sure nothing will change!

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PC any day , at least they believe in a Democracy.

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We need a graphical meme of Jagmeet as Mini-Me inside Justin’s papoose.

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