You are correct but 50% of the blame has to be put on the shoulders of western politicians and prairie voters. We should have followed the lead of Quebec and established the equivalent of the Bloc Quebecois years ago instead of groveling for acceptance by the east, something that never happened and never will. We looked at Laugheed as being our best shot at recognition and what we got was the theft of our oil and gas revenue.

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Danielle Smith has done some work along these lines, but for Alberta, any form of autonomy is smashed by media, as opposed to coddling Quebec sovereignty. It's what happens when the Liberal control our media.

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Western representation in cabinet can achieved only if the Conservatives win the next election, Alberts has two Liberal M.Ps, Boissonnault from Edmonton and Chalal from Calgary, this man was probably overlooked for a cabinet post because of his police investigated campaign interference in his riding. Boissonnault certainly seems very woke and fits in nicely with Trudeaus agenda. We also have Wilkinson from Vancouver who works closely with Trudeau to kill the fossil fuel industry. We, in the West, certainly are second class citizens in Trudeaus mind!!

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Guess who is gay? Just one guess.

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Liberal MP from Edmonton

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Brad...you couldn't have written a better explanation. PIERRE, JUSTIN & JUGHEAD have colluded in fullfilling objective outlined as far back as 1958 to breakup Canada and ransom our sovereignty to multinational corporations.

WEF, CCP are all in to pick up the pieces together while Quebec stockpiles wealth in anticipation of independence.

Trudeau is playing a chess game were Alberta will go ot alone ,absorbed by USA as planned.

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Thanks Ron, I only wish the exposure was 10 times what it is, not that CAP hasn't reached at least a million Canadians over seven years in business.

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