Trudeau Shafts Western Canada In Liberal Cabinet Shuffle
Out of 39 Cabinet positions, just one has been allotted to an MP from Alberta.
Pictured, PM Justin Trudeau with Alberta’s only Liberal Cabinet member, LGBT pusher MP Randy Boissonnault.
To say the province of Alberta received "slim pickins" as a result of PM Justin Trudeau's latest Cabinet shuffle is a giant understatement.
As with namesake ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau, supposed "son of" loves to extract monies out of Alberta, while giving nothing in return. If current federal cabinet configuration serves as a microcosm, than Western Canada-- Alberta in particular, comes up dry as a desert day in the Sahara.
Out of 39 Cabinet positions, just one has been allotted to an MP from Alberta. Trudeau's choice being his coveted LGBT/Transgender point man, Randy Boissonnault.
Boissonnault, dyed-in-the-wool woke Liberal, is fully dedicated to promoting homosexuality/transgenderism in Canadian society. Like boss-man Trudeau, there appears to be no concern regarding the age of Canadian youth who choose to change their sex.
Making matters more extreme, not a single Liberal Cabinet member is sourced from Calgary, Canada's fourth largest city.
Is it wipe-out time for Canada’s western provinces? It's what happens every time a Trudeau-family member reaches the top of Canadian political totem pole.
Instantly, it's an assault on Alberta. Whether digging up dollars to ship to Ottawa, or impediments to Oil & Energy development, Canadians can count on the Quebec-centric(try supremacist) angle to filter Western finances to the Liberals.
It's the world of politics, so naturally the issue comes down to power. Some forms are basic, such as sucking dollars out of the West, and giving them to the so-called under-privileged(insert laughter here) province of Quebec.
In Canada, the federal government makes equalization payments to provincial governments of lesser fiscal capacity so that "reasonably comparable" levels of public services can be provided at similar levels of taxation. Equalization payments are entrenched in the Constitution Act of 1982.
In 1982, Pierre Trudeau was two years away from the end of his nation-transforming prime ministerial run.
What a shock we receive in this scenario-- not. Anyone wanna take a wild guess as to which province benefits most from the schematic? Why, the answer is La Belle Province, ground zero for the Trudeau Dynasty, Canada's French-Canadian province of Quebec.
Sanctioned by the Liberals as a "provincial government of lesser capacity," the funds have for decades been flowing from pipelines in Alberta to the coffers of the Feds in Ottawa.
The macro-element of the picture is just as grim. To say that Justin Trudeau has loaded up his woke political weaponry with MPs from Quebec is putting things mildly.
Did you know? Justin Trudeau has over the past seven-plus years dwindled Anglophone Canadian Cabinet representation down to seven MPs out of a total of 39 Cabinet members. Calgary has no representation; Alberta as a whole has just one, an uber-woke Liberal at that.
"It's unfathomable that the Liberals would snub one of Canada's most important cities when a perfectly serviceable MP is available."
Not gonna happen, Calgary Sun. It's one of our Liberal government's most subtle services to our nation. The degree of bias(try hatred) is manifest in the way in which our PM has established a demarcation among identifiable communities in Canada.
Generally speaking, it goes like this:
PM Trudeau's Preferred Communities-- Quebecois, Homosexual, Transgendered, Sikh, Muslim, Chinese, and various 3rd World communities.
PM Trudeau's Disliked Communities-- Anglophones, Christians, Conservatives, Albertans, and various forms of "Old Stock "Canadian communities.
As far as Cultural Action Party[est. 2016] is concerned, this division has been intentionally created to upset a sensitive balance within a pluralist Canadian society. That mainstream media in Canada-- "Old Stock" in main at this point in time-- do not breathe a word regarding this social dynamic verges on the criminal.
"The prairie provinces, from the eastern border of Manitoba to the west side of Alberta, are home to nearly seven million people."
"They are represented by exactly two cabinet ministers — Boissonnault and Dan Vandal, from Winnipeg. Vandal is responsible for prairie economic development."
Vandal is Metis, Boissonnault is French. See what CAP is driving at?
Can you imagine? Representing 7 million Canadian citizens, Western Canadian provinces have not even one white Anglophone in their "post-modern" Cabinet.
Trudeau maintains a wildly Eastern-centric Cabinet, including half-citizens from Africa/Middle East, LGBT-pushers from Ontario, multiple members of the Lesbian community, as well as Sikh-Canadians, Hispanics, and at least one communist migrant from Argentina.
All of which suggest what Canadian media refuse to expose. Justin Trudeau is a prejudiced prime minister. He cares nothing for Western Canada, but plenty about fulfilling his mission of internationalizing our nation.
Democracy be damned. Proportional representation? Only when it involves the running of the Anglophone out of political office. If he could, the PM would politically disempower Alberta in totality.
Sceptics among us already believe it to be the case. Two of the sketchiest political appointment of the past few years involve the placing of Jyoti Gondek and Amarjeet Sohi as mayors of Calgary and Edmonton, respectively.
Sohi is a former Liberal Cabinet member. Gondek is pure liberal globalism, a plant into office to continue the woke prostrations of former Mayor Naheed Nenshi.
Are Justin Trudeau and the Liberals systemically disempowering Conservative politics in Western Canada, and Alberta in particular? Of course he is. Pourquoi? Because that's his job.
All hail the "woke socialist revolution" in the dying Great White North.
Founder, Pierre Trudeau. Facilitator, Justin Trudeau.
You are correct but 50% of the blame has to be put on the shoulders of western politicians and prairie voters. We should have followed the lead of Quebec and established the equivalent of the Bloc Quebecois years ago instead of groveling for acceptance by the east, something that never happened and never will. We looked at Laugheed as being our best shot at recognition and what we got was the theft of our oil and gas revenue.
Western representation in cabinet can achieved only if the Conservatives win the next election, Alberts has two Liberal M.Ps, Boissonnault from Edmonton and Chalal from Calgary, this man was probably overlooked for a cabinet post because of his police investigated campaign interference in his riding. Boissonnault certainly seems very woke and fits in nicely with Trudeaus agenda. We also have Wilkinson from Vancouver who works closely with Trudeau to kill the fossil fuel industry. We, in the West, certainly are second class citizens in Trudeaus mind!!