Mar 3Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau, Singh, Freeland and Virani are disgusting human beings. If they want that kind of country then let them move elsewhere and leave us alone. In all my years, I have never seen such despicable, disgusting politicians. They are but worms that need to be squashed! Wake up Canada. We have to stand and vocalize our disgust with this Liberal slime!!! I don’t believe every Liberal wants this but their eyes are on the pension while they will not recognize this once great country. Haven’t seen but heard about the video his daughter made. Even she is against slime leadership! He’s not a ‘leader’ but a trained dog. His ‘woof woof’ needs to be silenced! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Mar 3·edited Mar 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

This nonsense needs to be stopped. There needs to be responsibility for these poor decisions that have been taken. The consequences need to be taken by the Liberals and NDP.

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Mar 3Liked by Brad Salzberg

Every federal, provincial and municipal law including government edicts that undermine The Canadian Constitution and The Canadian Bill of Rights needs to be revoked and those who voted for these violations need to be audited and held civilly and criminally accountable in a court of law! They violated their oath of office! If the judges prove themselves corrupted, they will be investigated too!

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Mar 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

My Sister in B.C. thinks is very handsome and that he is doing a good job! There must be something in the water where she lives to make her so stupid. I tell her that all the time.

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Mar 3Liked by Brad Salzberg

Thank you Brad and your team, a revolution is coming and the sooner the better. We need more Canadians aware of your writings to stop this lieing, hypocritical, incompetent, despicable government. The freedom convoy was the beginning the jailing of blackface and Jagmeet will be the victory

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Mar 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

Brad, what can we do to stop this? There must be a way. I truly don’t believe he can possibly win the next election unless it is fixed but how can we stop him? He is truly evil. Maybe it is time his own party rises up, they can’t not find comfort for themselves or their families with what he is doing to our once great country. I don’t believe they can all be as evil as he is! The media must put a stop to this as well. They have no hope of getting help from the PC’s if they don’t start calling him out.

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Mar 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

Excellent writing as always Brad.

Yes this plan has been in place for Canada since the beginning of Trudeau 1.0’s reign of destruction. His ideals at the time were as radical as the agenda that 2.0 and Jaggy have us pencilled in for. Just different times. They’ve had another 50 years to indoctrinate the masses from a young age and now they are falling into it hook line and sinker. I think you are correct in saying that they are just trying to inflict as much damage as possible and pass as much dystopian legislation in the time frame they have left. Though it almost seems like they think that they are untouchable,with all the scandals and corruption going unpunished. Do they know something that we don’t? Scary times. Soviet style gulags don’t seem out of the realm of possibility at this point in Canada.

Keep exposing the truth.. as truth always wins in the end. Stay safe

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Trudeau wants Canada to transform into a replica of North Korea where you need to ask permission to cross town and are shot or imprisoned for even listening to a Western Song. I doubt that the full extent of his Harms Bill will pass and even that will be turned away from the Federal Courts citing The Canadian Rights and Freedoms Bill. . What Adolf Trudeau is doing is trying to prevent any Political opposition from using the Media to run their campaign against Trudeau. What I fear most is that Trudeau already knows that he will win the next election no matter what because the WEF has it already planned for him to win. Reminder " NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS " we may need them.

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On January 21, 1793, King Louis XVI, who had behaved like @JustinTrudeau and the other scoundrels, and renamed Louis Capet in the indictment of his trial, was guillotined in public on the Place de la Révolution, today Place de la Concorde, in Paris.


Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen



Basically, popular insurrection is the most sacred right, the most indispensable duty. The right to resist oppression is highlighted in the Declaration of 1793, it occupies four articles (27, 33, 34 and 35) which specify its form and extent. Even when this oppression affects only one individual, resistance is possible. The Declaration recognizes popular insurrection as a duty against an oppressive, tyrannical and despotic power. This article also serves to legitimize the events of August 10, 1792, when the Paris Commune transformed into an insurrectionary Commune and achieved the fall of the king. The most cited article on this subject is the 35th and last: “When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and each portion of the people the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties”.

Then, sections 59 and especially 60 of the Criminal Code of Canada, the latter giving the aforementioned power to the people, at least according to AI.

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That scream you just heard is Tommy Douglas, from his grave, finally realizing what his NDP has become. The party bears absolutely zero resemblance to it's founders intentions. A warped, vote-mongering collection of political parasites, devoid of any aspirations of betterment for us peons.

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It is now 3 years since Legacy MSM in Canada started to publish articles asserting that the bodies of 215 Aboriginals were buried at a Residential school in Kamloops B.C. They have also suggested that there are bodies of Indigenous Children in many other locations.


Not a single body has been found yet. … 3 YEARS, GOT IT ???


100 Churches in Canada have been burnt to the ground or vandalized.


I’ve read through a few articles that described Bill C-63 and it is ABSOLUTELY clear that the Executives of CBC, CTV, Global TV, etc are guilty of a HATE CRIME as defined in Bill C-63.


They must be arrested the day this Bill is passed. If they are not arrested, then how can the Government justify arresting anyone else, in cases where the evidence is far less convincing ?


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Re the video his daughter made: whose daughter are you referring to. Would like to see that video

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I think these authors listened to Trudeau when he talked about some of us Canadians being a fringe minority....Wow...LOOK at this..... very WEFFIE messaging that is global now.....

White Rural Rage

I Thought the Power Elites Claimed They Wanted to Unite the People? (Only joking). https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/white-rural-rage

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1) Minister Hussen introducing ‘Anything For A Buck’ Bernie Farber of ANTIHATE.CA

Bernie tried to sue Jonathan Kay for saying that ANTIHATE.CA had links to ANTIFA, but the Judge agreed with Jonathan.







This Cottle guy does not have a future unless he lives in his Mother’s basement and stays there. He is the one who broke into the GiveSendGo server and published the names of donors to the Trucker’s Convoy.



4) December 2023 - Bayshore Mall – Ottawa and Eaton’s Centre - Toronto

Now this is Real Hate … Note how the Cop from 52nd Division jumps right on this one.






Candice Malcolm is right. Parents must guide and protect their Children. Expecting the State to do that for them is a HUGE MISTAKE.




6) Harrison Falkner


The Liberal Gov’t simply took the wording from the previous Hate Bill and inserted a mention of Children into it.



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I would say it does not matter for the future of the country, Trump will attack when he gets in so Trudeau and the Meat are gone but they will hurt us until we stop them and since we are docile, we will wait for someone else.

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