Sep 19, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

A legend in his own mind. What a disgusting embarrassment, and the entire world watches..

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

He sings, "easy come, easy go", I hope this is a sign that his time is up as Prime Dictator....why does he trigger me so much.....

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

What a goof! The narcissists dilemma. Acknowledging ones weak interior — weak because those responsible for raising the child to responsible age —their parents — abdicated; whom often themselves, were trapped on the horns of the narcissists dilemma — is almost impossible.

The narcissist is for ever doomed to be completely divorced from his or her authentic self. Don’t doubt that this can be the fate of entire societies.

Narcissists frequent domains where they can reassure themselves they are something rather than nothing. Politicians, actors, CEOs, top bureaucrats both female and male, head surgeons, mayors, manufactured celebrities of all kinds tend to be narcissists; indeed we live in an age where manufacture celebrity is rampant; prima donnas are us!

Paradoxically the inner self is the only domain of the authentic self. But a healthy self esteem cannot be automatically acquired. Providing a nurturing environment for todays children has become a challenge for parents — not to mention society.

There is nothing humans experience so awful as denying the authentic self. Children are at the mercy of bad parenting; far too often the children are burdened with false personalities. They may never grow up!

You’ll see far less of those handicapped this way in a Newfoundland outport — children raised in such an environment become responsible adults. Children raised in farms tend to escape the narcissists burden.

Most observers see through the veneer of hollow men. Spending your life pursuing outside validation while projecting an inauthentic inner self is known to be extraordinarily painful. The inner demon can never be assuaged.

Unfortunately for the narcissist he or she knows nothing of his or her dilemma. Surrounding themselves with fawning attendants — recreates the emotional

vacuum felt while children. Narcissists caught unawares frequently look like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. Their sudden uncertainty is disconcerting for their entourage.

As children, narcissists are used to being trotted out by parents with weak inner selves. Such children necessarily become consummate performers. In front of others the children are polished and presented like trophies. Performance becomes the thing; the real person is uncredited and seldom genuinely acknowledged.

Even worse for the poor sods; imagine the feeling of absolute abandonment, when, after the witnesses are gone, so does all the false approval dissolve. In private the children are nagged and criticized for being less than perfect.

Children raised in such circumstances grow up and become like brittle figurines — hollow and empty inside — doomed to living their entire lives in the shadow of parents whom disappeared when the stage lighting was switched off.

As an aside: In Ancient Greece actors wore masks. The audience had no idea who’s face was behind the mask. The Greeks understood mens’ weaknesses. Theatre was designed as a means of enabling the actors to see themselves as they really were — not as a means of self aggrandizement — their anonymity was assured. Behind the mask the actors were expected to take on the role demanded by the script. The mask behind which the actor is compelled to act — in accord with the role — releases the actor from his lived experience.

It is intended the actor emotionally discovers something of the self not normally attainable. …Including shedding his or her false personality. Paradoxically the actor in such circumstances is relieved to let go of the false personality in order to take on a role he or she would not normally have to fulfill. The actor discovers their self consciousness is unnecessary; surprisingly for the actor, since the audience is unaware of the identity of the actor, the actor discovers how much of a relief it is to shed the monster which normally rests on his back.

Ideally the actor, ordinarily burdened by a narcissistic and false personality, experiences a long moment in time when unburdened by his or her inauthenticity he or she feels the relief of its absence; paradoxically wearing a mask reveals one.

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

OMG I can't believe that any of this is for real!! It's so off the wall crazy!! Absolute insanity!! It's so clear to me, two lines in the sand>>> good vs evil, awake vs woke, logic vs lunacy, truth vs fiction, dark vs light...the time is now for great change for good people

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

So sad for all Canadians whom are held hostage by this political mess. Simple solution ask our new King to disseminate this obstruction, before the upcoming recession which will propel Canada to mirror the third world conditions we see in other parts of the world.

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There is nothing to say that hasn’t already been said!

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“I don’t read the newspapers, I don’t watch the news. I figure, if something important happens, someone will tell me.” — Justin Trudeau

Remember when Katie Couric finished Sarah Palin when she (Palin) couldn't recall the names of the newspapers that she led Couric to believe she read? So Trudeau cannot be bothered to read the very media his government subsidizes??? And they do not hold him to account? I thought Couric was mean and into the 'gotcha' thing, but where are the mean Courics in Canadian media??? We need some.

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At least, England isn't stuck with the thing.

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A friend said it best. It's how he thinks of Canadians tax dollars in his pockets. "Easy come easy go."

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Trudeau is is out of control - his actions in England before the Queen's Funeral were


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Canadians could not prevent The country idiot from attending and of course this is the crap you get.

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