He panders to Aboriginals too damn much too and pays Billions for them to make more demands and act like supremacist, racist bullies who hate on and condemn Whites and colonization and we are sick of it all!!

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any difference from quebec.?????

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Damn straight we are

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Have they even gotten their clean water yet? Has gone on for years. Waiting for the right ‘vote’ timing?

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NO, they are waiting for another billion and someone else to do the job who isn't privileged Aboriginal!! Same with anything.

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And the latest, $184,000,000 to dig up a 2 year old land fill and the risks involved with that, Marc Miller needs to grow some backbone and say that this is unreasonable ,tragic as it is, he really needs a lesson in common sense. He only recently promised another $100,000,000 for indigenous shelters for women who are abused, go after their partners, not our responsibility, the list goes on and on and I would wager that the average tax payer is growing weary by all this.

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He uses immigrants for his benefit. Don’t believe he reaaly cares about them. Figures they are easy to manipulate. Only reason he won last time and look at the mess we’re in now. He’s a user and abuser!!! Welcome immigrants but wake up to truth!!!

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Uses everyone for his benefit, a never ending schemer driven by Globalist forces

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Wants immigrants to vote for him so he can continue to ‘try’ and grind us to the ground. Won’t happen Trudope! Smarter than you!!!don’t be fooled by him. He’s using you. Remember, he’s a DRAMA teacher who got a 15 yr old pregnant then paid her off.

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this should be all over the internet, oh wait a minute, silly me, the internet doesn,t like the truth.

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Remarkably sad.

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I was actually wondering how these typically traditional conservative family members could consider voting for Trudeau after his transgender stunt, ie, drag queen story time in public schools?

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maybe the thrd world people are starting to find out what the chinese are doing to their people in china, so when china takes over, it will be the end of the third world people, next in line will be the lgbtq people, has trudeau told them what china does to them if they are caught.

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It's a long way from being over , it hasn't even started yet.

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We must vote for any party but The Liberals!

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but not the ndp either.

this guy is not allowed i his own country, he is not allowed in the usa, they consider him a terrorist.

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Exactly! It's horrifying!

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and the NDP

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