It's worse than you think Brad, Trudeau has been pushing up Abortion numbers and availability, since he had SEX with a 14 year old, at the BC school, where he worked as Drama teacher, before politics!!!
Just look at the increase of abortion numbers in Canada, since he became PM, they have almost tripled, then in 2017, he started sending $…
It's worse than you think Brad, Trudeau has been pushing up Abortion numbers and availability, since he had SEX with a 14 year old, at the BC school, where he worked as Drama teacher, before politics!!!
Just look at the increase of abortion numbers in Canada, since he became PM, they have almost tripled, then in 2017, he started sending $700 MILLION, from the Federal annual budget, to Africa and the Middle East, to support the abortion clinics there, when we have thousands of homeless people in Canada, that he has no concern for!!!
But the real kicker is when he brought in SELECTIVE Abortion clinics in Canada, where you can select which kid you want to save and which one you want to KILL!!!
That is "SELECTIVE MURDER", because there are certain ethnic groups in Canada, that only want Boys and NOT GIRLS, that is not how the Abortion system works in Canada!!!
The medical system we have are not allowed to tell you the sex of the unborn, just for that reason, it is set up to KILL the unborn, because you don't want it, can't afford it, you have medical problems or have been RAPED, THAT'S IT!!!
By Giving the person's the right to KILL the Unborn because of it's SEX, that is outright MURDER!!!
Trudeau and his gang of MURDERERS, need to be stopped and these abortion clinics CLOSED!!!
It's worse than you think Brad, Trudeau has been pushing up Abortion numbers and availability, since he had SEX with a 14 year old, at the BC school, where he worked as Drama teacher, before politics!!!
Just look at the increase of abortion numbers in Canada, since he became PM, they have almost tripled, then in 2017, he started sending $700 MILLION, from the Federal annual budget, to Africa and the Middle East, to support the abortion clinics there, when we have thousands of homeless people in Canada, that he has no concern for!!!
But the real kicker is when he brought in SELECTIVE Abortion clinics in Canada, where you can select which kid you want to save and which one you want to KILL!!!
That is "SELECTIVE MURDER", because there are certain ethnic groups in Canada, that only want Boys and NOT GIRLS, that is not how the Abortion system works in Canada!!!
The medical system we have are not allowed to tell you the sex of the unborn, just for that reason, it is set up to KILL the unborn, because you don't want it, can't afford it, you have medical problems or have been RAPED, THAT'S IT!!!
By Giving the person's the right to KILL the Unborn because of it's SEX, that is outright MURDER!!!
Trudeau and his gang of MURDERERS, need to be stopped and these abortion clinics CLOSED!!!
They are sick sick sick