This column gives me the impression that Turd is a sociopath (more dangerous than a psychopath). Like father like son! In a previous column he was described as a narcissist--a very dangerous combination.

Note: Sociopath & psychopath are combined under the category of Antisocial Personality disorder in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual (DSM)--the psychiatrist's bible.

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That's him

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When will the liberals just go silent and do nothing and leave society in Canada alone, when ever they do something it turns to crap, a gov't of incompetent ability with no future but will be remembered of bad things and a disgrace

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Right-- the Liberals are constantly picking at Canadians, branding us racist etc etc. Have they ever thought of shutting up about all this? NEVER...because the goal is DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

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most of the world are shaking their heads in wonder, what is happening to canada, they have a dictator thst says muslime are more canadian than canadians are.. how about shipping the three hotels that are filled with muslims, and getting paid for it, free health care, free dental care. who knows if the canadian people will ever wake up.

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Non-Canadians can see Canada's transition to a dictatorship, set up to happen the moment Justine Castro became PM.

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Another great article. Yes Trudeau probably stays awake at night to figure out his next move to eliminate all old stock. He truly thinks we are a waste of space. Meanwhile we white haired old people paid for this idiot through our hard earned tax dollars. Who fought for this country while he sits and contemplates his next attack on this generation. Justincase. I hope he pays a huge price for tormenting Canadians.

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That's what Trudeau does-- he TORMENTS Canadians

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I think if he wants to euthanize old people and mentally ill he should begin with Margaret his nut case mother. There’s a great start

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A fair point indeed

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Your right about Canadians to wake up but I think the RCMP and law enforcement need to do their diligence also

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i still say a revolution will take care of alot of problems

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Pushing it like candy making elderly ppl not on death’s doorstep is cruel and every such death will be marked on Trudy’s soul. I would like to see him negotiate himself out of it.

This is practically Soylent Green the movie. If you have not watched it, it is going to happen to us. I highly recommend seeing it. I don’t know where I read it but someone is trying to normalize cannibalism now, and bugs well… bugs are being pushed on us. Circuits btw are carcinogenic for humans and indigestible wreaking havoc with 90% bacteria we cannot fight off.. But they will push circuit “flour” on us everywhere. Watch. I am allergic to bugs so they did not consider allergies. Sorry I went off topic but if u guys have seen Soylent Green you know how this links.

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The WEF puppets with puppeteer Schwab. I'm sure someone could make string puppets imitating Trudeau and his minister minions. As far as I'm concerned JT is taking up space and has undesirable opinions, would be a great candidate for early release.

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