Trudeau is a liar and he needs to step down

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Over and over he proven to be a scumbag commie liar, but media cover his ass, as they are paid to do.

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Complete scumbag of the commie variety.

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Through out history have you ever seen a dictator voluntarily step down?

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He has totally messed the country! . And now the lawyer who would question him at the inquiry has been ousted???not surprised Trudeau didn’t want anyone who could untwist his lies. The judge appointed was done by Trudoper. Guess which way this will go? Tired of Libs lies and manipulation. What, will the Liberal appt. by Trudope question him about - the evil intents of truckers🙄😵‍💫🙄 What a scam. He should be shaking in his Mickey Mouse socks. The mess he created is catching up to him. Not enough despicable words in the English language to describe him. Hope I live long enough to see him pay the dues he owes Canadians as well as new immigrants he is using ‘only’ for personal benefit!

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Trudeau is the ultimate power hungry creep. He is brainwashed for certain

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👏👏👏 me too. I want this dictator and clan gone. And I want his dad’s name off the airport. Every trace of this poison POS gone. I never want to see the name Trudeau anywhere again.

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They are awful, will do anything to remain in power...including destroying democracy

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I’ll say it again and again.....

Mail in ballots and drop boxes need to be stopped ASAP. They are using the fake pandemic and pandemic emergency to use these tools to cheat.

Anything is hackable! How many applying for mail in ballots overseas? Is your mail in ballot traceable? How many ballots are harvested and put in drop boxes? How many are from relatives that never vote or have dementia?

Election Day should be one day only! I’m shocked how loose election practices are tolerated.

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In 2019 the Liberals extended voting privileges for ex pats. Used to be 5 year limit, now unlimited

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Brain dead tards and insouciant Canadians have put us in this predicament.

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Not so sure that actual voting is the cause of the Lie-beral scourge upon Canadian society.

Canadians have been shafted ina Pre-meditated plan.

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The ONLY thing you can trust coming from Trudeau is that when he speaks it's a LIE.

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Agree. Just caught on Tv him discussing interference of China in 2019 election and heard ‘misinformed’ great, misinformation, miscalculated and a hundred other misses🙄The greatest MISS is HIM!!! He can leave any time along with Lametti and the rest of them that are MISleading Canadians!!!!!

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he is LYING

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It seems to me that our media bloodhounds suffer from a strong bias. They were once assumed to be the watchdogs that kept the government honest. Given the number and kind of the charges against the Liberal government in the past many years - not least the Lavalin debacle, and most recently accusations of collusion with the Chinese Communist Party, it’s virtually impossible to ignore media ….. disinterest. It appears that PM Trudeau can continue his wreckage of the political system with impunity - there will be no startling headlines concerning his attacks on his fellow Canadians, nor his dismissal of democratic principles. More important there will be no exposés of his approval of and collusion with the Chinese Communist Party. Sad that!

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Nov 23, 2022
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Pure E.V.I.L

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Nov 22, 2022Edited
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He is SCUM. End.

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