Well I guess not! He brought all the terrorists here, then when they committed acts of terrorism here in Canada, they received leniency by the Courts and Trudeau personally sought to ensure they kept their citizenship, and personally paid them, $10 million dollars.

Now compare that to how one would train a dog. You put that dog in a dog friendly environment. You train them to act in a desired way, then you reward the dog when they act as directed. Trudeau is sending a message directly to terrorists. Come here and commit acts of terrorism and you won't get in that much trouble, and we will pay you!

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JT, pathetic scum that he is

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Oct 12, 2023
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That will never happen to one of them. But it would happen to us. These people are bullets.

Trudeau uses immigration as a means to hide his true intentions. For Trudeau, immigration is a weapon.

He's literally loading the country with all the wrong stuff; he's building an army.

You'd have to be pretty stupid not to realize what these kinds of immigrants would do to Canadians. They do it everywhere they go. Each culture brings their own unique flare of violence. Young Afghanistan men roam around in gangs gang raping, violently assaulting, and murdering Swedish girls, at a rate that is statistically significant. The Gov't knows, the media knows, but they're silent 🤫 about it, and they keep bringing them in. The UK loaded the country with knife 🔪 wielding terrorists and disarmed the British people. France has been outnumbered in some places, and no-go zones are common. What Trudeau's doing is no different, except he's not kept up with their numbers, until now. Make no mistake, these are weapons the government is using, pointing at their own citizens. That's what I believe. And he's disarming legal firearm owners, while lying to the public about public safety. There's no mistaking it. Anyone who can add, can see what his intentions are. We are at war, they are attacking Canadians while disarming Canadians. The only thing that is missing is the wall. We aren't literally being lined up against a wall. Yet.

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As anticipated, it is beginning here in Toronto too. There were two Toronto Hate incidents earlier today.






Meanwhile in Montreal - https://www.cp24.com/news/air-canada-pilot-s-unacceptable-posts-against-israel-result-in-job-loss-1.6597600


Toronto Protest - Saturday Oct 14, 2023 – 4-5 PM

344 Bloor Street West, just past the Spadina subway station.






The average IQ of Middle Eastern countries is typically 83 or less. The average IQ of the Jews who fled Europe after WW-Two and settled in Israel is in the 112 to 115 range. The Jews created a wealthy Democratic nation where nothing other than poverty had existed prior to their arrival.


That is what underlies the current problems in Israel. The two groups are highly incompatible. There is no workable solution other than a Two State Solution…. And take very, careful note of this situation. It has clear implications for CANADA, and every other Western country, except perhaps, Hungary and Poland where immigration has been carefully controlled.


Islam in a few cases has expanded due to conquest, but in most instances, it is the result of maintaining a very high birth rate. Note that Toronto is home to North America’s largest Islamic population. The same people who insist that Muslims have a right to emigrate to Europe and North America, deny that true Jewish refugees had a right to emigrate to Israel, a country where they were welcomed.


Watch this small protest on Saturday Oct 14th. If is focused on Bills C-11 and C-18, and has nothing to do with Immigration, however the organizer is Jewish. Watch how Toronto’s Islamic community responds. Will they try to ‘swamp’ the small protest in front of Cynthia Freedland’s office? That would be very, very typical. Don’t be too surprised if ANTFA members, residents of the nearby Gay Village, and a lot of other Leftist Woke folk turn up too.






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What a mess. Trudeau caused all of this with his policies on immigration and transgenderism. I don't think Trudeau's that stupid. I think he's implementing a preconceived plan designed by nazis in the WEF and UN designed to destroy democracy and everything that comes out of good free nation governance. Poland and Hungary are smart, conservative Nationalists who understand how destructive illegal migration is. And the Globalists also understand this and that's why they're using illegal migration, to destroy strong established nations. This is all deliberate. Nazis are alive and well in the world. And Trudeau is a nazi.

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Trudeau is soft on terrorism and has made Canada a staging ground for jihadism. He knowingly invited them in. Canada has become terrorism-central thanks to Trudeau. One of the first things he did was give millions to Omar Khadr. There is no oversight as he brings them in and makes them citizens. The people at CSIS must truly hate him, but what can they do? He and Singh are holding Canada hostage. They are traitors who should be arrested for treason.

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Trudeau isn't just "soft on terrorism". He sponsors terrorism.

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The press have been bought off by Trudope so of course they will not say anything. Do they not realize that ‘WE ALL DIE’! Their day will come and they will be accountable for their part in this evil!!! Trudeau is alittle boy’s mind trying to survive in a man’s world. He’s not cutting it. Needs serious psychological help!!!

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Trudeau's carrying out the Globalist's NewWorldOrder OneWorldGov't corporate authoritarian facist idealism. They're all nazis. But this plan is going to fail because in the end it's going to cause so much societal decay and destruction and bring down the standard of living for Canadians and Americans that at some point people will overcome it, they're not going to go willfully into their own destruction. The world is alot bigger than just these Globalists. As hard as Biden and Trudeau try, people see the corruption and the decline. The Pied Piper might have been able to lead the uneducated, children, to their demise, and Trudeau thinks he can do that to us. But he can't. The world is simply too big, even for them. The Qatar are quietly funding Hamas, Turkey hasn't forgotten what the USA did to them. Iran is a powder keg. And Egypt is sort of neutral. If that force unites against Israel then things could get crazy. Then there's the BRICS economic coalition Brazil Russia India China SouthAfrica that threaten the USA world dollar hegemony. Ukraine will never win the war. The USA can't afford it. Russia will win. Ukraine should have taken the deal. Eventually Germany will align with Russia for the oil and gas. And if Canada is smart we would be selling our oil and gas to Germany. Trudeau isn't stupid. He's using illegal immigration to rip this nation apart for the Globalists who actually play a pretty small role in the world.

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welcome to the Turdeau show… unreal.

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Again, the Canadian Armed Forces are at work to evacuate Israel.

Is it the CAF that you decimated financially?

How much of their budget and taxpayer money have you contributed directly or indirectly to Hamas and other terrorist groups?

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He's funding Hamas indirectly, almost directly. He's teetering on open side taking. He's done everything but state

in a press conference that he sides with Iran and supports Iran's choice of weapon, Hamas. We have all the wrong people in government; where we have put the enemy in the most powerful positions in the world, everywhere in government around the world.

Look what Biden's done to Americans. He forced the border wide open, called anyone racist who dared to question the obvious full scale invasion of a veritable army on American soil, he flew/bussed them around the entire country in the dead of knight and called anyone who questioned it a conspiracy theorist. So now these "immigrants" permeate every nook and cranny of the USA to make sure veterans and patriots would be in the worst position possible, while violating the 2A disarming Americans. Like Hamas, Biden's using immigration as a cover for bringing in an unorthodox army. These governments know full well that social decay, destroying the social fabric with transgenderism, dividing the public so they kill each other, and destroy oil and gas independence so Americans are weaker, all work to make a nation fail.

They want to destroy Nationalism. That's the goal. That's Globalism. Ot kind of makes me wonder if the outrage in Isreal by the government is fake outrage. Let's face it, Isreal was the leader in forcing their jab mandates. We know the jabs are killing people. Maybe they secretly allowed Hamas into Isreal? What side is Netanyahu on? The Isreal people or Globalism?

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I also think that Qatar is playing a relatively silent role in funding Hamas. Everyone is looking at Iran but Qatar and Turkey could make things a whole lot worse if they get involved. The Canadian military is so under funded I can't see them helping much.

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Very, very scary stuff that is happening right now.

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As anticipated, it is beginning here in Toronto too. There were two Toronto Hate incidents earlier today.






Meanwhile in Montreal - https://www.cp24.com/news/air-canada-pilot-s-unacceptable-posts-against-israel-result-in-job-loss-1.6597600


Toronto Protest - Saturday Oct 14, 2023 – 4-5 PM

344 Bloor Street West, just past the Spadina subway station.






The average IQ of Middle Eastern countries is typically 83 or less. The average IQ of the Jews who fled Europe after WW-Two and settled in Israel is in the 112 to 115 range. The Jews created a wealthy Democratic nation where nothing other than poverty had existed prior to their arrival.


That is what underlies the current problems in Israel. The two groups are highly incompatible. There is no workable solution other than a Two State Solution…. And take very, careful note of this situation. It has clear implications for CANADA, and every other Western country, except perhaps, Hungary and Poland where immigration has been carefully controlled.


Islam in a few cases has expanded due to conquest, but in most instances, it is the result of maintaining a very high birth rate. Note that Toronto is home to North America’s largest Islamic population. The same people who insist that Muslims have a right to emigrate to Europe and North America, deny that true Jewish refugees had a right to emigrate to Israel, a country where they were welcomed.


Watch this small protest on Saturday Oct 14th. If is focused on Bills C-11 and C-18, and has nothing to do with Immigration, however the organizer is Jewish. Watch how Toronto’s Islamic community responds. Will they try to ‘swamp’ the small protest in front of Cynthia Freedland’s office? That would be very, very typical. Don’t be too surprised if ANTFA members, residents of the nearby Gay Village, and a lot of other Leftist Woke folk turn up too.






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How many "sleeper cells" are there in Canada now.....and will they surface tomorrow?

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