Thanks for writing about Maid which will target everyone eventually........with coming digital ID it will be easy to identify people who are socially unacceptable and need to be erased. Trudeau and Liberals have so many ways to encourage obedience.

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Trudeau's vision for Canadastan

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80% of medical costs are realized in the last month of ones life. Euthanasia is very cost effective for govt. Govt. should NOT be in the business of killing its citizens for cost measures. Of course Trudeaus Liberals thought of this, they are looking for $$ in every area and taxing everything and raising taxes. Just another grab and add insult to injury, death tax.

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As a former critical care nurse who witnessed so much suffering and saw people kept alive whom had zero quality of life or hope of recovery I have always supported voluntary medical assisted death .I have a directive in my will stating this wish .

My issue with MAID as it seems to be unfolding in Canada is that our government astonishingly in this one policy is actually efficient and able to euthanize someone reportedly within 90 days ! You can't get a passport or scheduled MRI / colonoscopy in this time frame..!This makes me question the thoroughness of the vetting of these people by qualified professionals before proceeding with euthanasia.The fact that the government has a MAID answering service rather than a real person is just callous.Apparently they have euthanized more than 10K !..The other issue I have is that people who still want to live but circumstances ie financial make death the more appealing option to poverty are accessing MAID .I read this week of a 44 year old woman with ALS who chose MAID because she could not get additional in home care as her disease progressed and believed that going to LTC would be miserable and hasten her death .At her service it was apparently read that the system killed her before the ALS.

Also the Liberals NDP do not want to allow health care professionals to object as per their conscience to not participate in MAID procedures .

I'm not yet at the point to believe that the government is ," thinning the herd " or intentionally getting rid of the old ,infirm , disabled or " undersirables" but I'm sure beginning to wonder what kind of a country we are ,what are our morals ,were is our compassion?

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Thanks for this, the situation is grim imo. Basically knocking off the elderly is what the Liberals are doing, imo

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These Leftist policies will return to bite the Woke in the A$$.


1) 60% of Canada;'s immigrants come from Muslim countries.

2) Muslim's beliefs regarding topics such as Men's and Women's roles, Homosexuality, etc, etc, are very different from those of other Canadians.

3) As the demographics of the Canadian population change, so will their beliefs.


The Canadian government's Immigration Policies will some day undo many of the things the Woke are fighting for.




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I'm ashamed of the path Canada is on .

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