Apr 3Liked by Brad Salzberg

Yes, his hypocrisy knows no bounds.

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A true statement, yet it sound that there is no problem, Our Dictatorial, uneducated imbecile can act unchallenged and that is OK, isn't it?

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Lol, is that what you believe? Of course not & either do I but we are stuck with him, likely until Oct/2025. There should be ways to recall idiots like Trudeau but there really isn't.

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Not when you have a towel headed traitor circumventing democratic principles

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Let’s just name the traitor, Jagmeet Singh!

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Better to call by name than name calling.

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The majority of these immigrants are selected from countries with NO TRADITION OF DEMOCRACY. 60 PERCENT of them are from ISLAMIC countries so we can begin our count there. Very few are from Europe or the US, so how many of the remaining 40 % come from countries run by Dictators?


Then there's the issue of native-born Canadians. How many ignore Politics for 3 1/2 years and then weeks prior to the election just check the local News and let them tell them who to vote for?.




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Whatever Trudeau says , believe the exact opposite and you run a very good chance of being right.Totally untrustworthy.What he learned in drama school serves him well.Beware the PSEUDO philantropist who gains people's trust by pretending to have your welfare at heart.Remember evil doesn't snarl and have horns.It winks and wears a tie.

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No matter how outraged we are we have Trudeau ruling us. And will continue to rule us. NDP, and cheating. Or no election at all. Trudeau knows he is safe!!!!! Trudeau is free to harm us because he knows he is safe.

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He's protected, certainly not safe

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Here is a simple test that I’d like you to try.


• Begin by reading the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

• Then read the new Bill C-63 legislation.

• Lastly ask yourself the following question.


Does the wording of Bill C-63 not appear to be a very straight-forward attempt to pervert Canadian Justice?


Firstly, it introduces the new concept of a Thought Crime. A citizen can be found guilty if someone determines what they were thinking about was criminal in nature.


Once found guilty they could be heavily fined or sentenced to Life Imprisonment.


The charges need not be laid by the Government. Anyone can file a complaint and the Government would keep their identity hidden from the Public. For example, someone with political opinions that closely align with those of our Federal Government could bring criminal charges again a Political Opponent possessing different opinions. Our Justice System that is comprised largely of Government appointed officials, would then decide who was right and who was wrong.


OK are you following me so far ???


Does the wording of Bill C-63 itself not seem to be a clear violation of Canadian Law?


Keep in mind that the intent of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is to PROTECT CITIZENS AGAINST GOVERNMENT ABUSE.


By tabling this legislation is Arif Virani, with the full support of Justin Trudeau, not attempting to twist our Laws and use them against Citizens who have political opinions that differ from theirs?


Should Arif Virani and Justin Trudeau not be charged with a Criminal Offense ???


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And the recent poll numbers show him gaining again, how is this possible??

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Gee ... I wonder if the Polling Firms are honest ???

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Here is a simple test that I’d like you to try.


• Begin by reading the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

• Then read the new Bill C-63 legislation.

• Lastly ask yourself the following question.


Does the wording of Bill C-63 not appear to be a very straight-forward attempt to pervert Canadian Justice?


Firstly, it introduces the new concept of a Thought Crime. A citizen can be found guilty if someone determines what they were thinking about was criminal in nature.


Once found guilty they could be heavily fined or sentenced to Life Imprisonment.


The charges need not be laid by the Government. Anyone can file a complaint and the Government would keep their identity hidden from the Public. For example, someone with political opinions that closely align with those of our Federal Government could bring criminal charges again a Political Opponent possessing different opinions. Our Justice System that is comprised largely of Government appointed officials, would then decide who was right and who was wrong.


OK are you following me so far ???


Does the wording of Bill C-63 itself not seem to be a clear violation of Canadian Law?


Keep in mind that the intent of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is to PROTECT CITIZENS AGAINST GOVERNMENT ABUSE.


By tabling this legislation is Arif Virani, with the full support of Justin Trudeau, not attempting to twist our Laws and use them against Citizens who have political opinions that differ from theirs?


Should Arif Virani and Justin Trudeau not be charged with a Criminal Offense ???


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If Canadian criminal law was applied Trudeau and his minions would be properly investigated and charged with a long list of criminal offenses.Unfortunately after years of preparation they have made it so that this is no longer the Canada we once knew,and that includes our judicial system.There are only 2 ways to rid ourselves of a corrupt government.Most people are biding their time until the next election.Let's see if the politician with the majority of the popular vote wins.Let's see how much we can trust our electoral system after Trudeau and Singh revamp it .(So it works in their favor of course) If not it might be time for plan B .

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"Should Arif Virani and Justin Trudeau not be charged with a Criminal Offense ???"

That is a near-perfect definition of "rhetorical question".

(It WOULD be perfect, but there are still obviously a HELL of a lot of additional names still missing from your above quotation...but I know I'm just preaching to the choir with that remark).

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MIKE: There is one positive aspect to TRUDY's Divide and Conquer politics. He has even created a large amount of division even within the Liberal Party. Watch to see how many of the current MPs do not run in the next election.


I see a lot of indications that Canada is headed in the same direction as almost every European country. where governments are now formed from COALITIONS.


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I'll believe it when I see it.

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He is so full of shit that is like the every ready batteries. The shit just keeps on coming out of his mouth. Just like he announced 16 billion for apartment building and what is it 6 billion for housing....now the diarrhea is flowing nonstop now with all this phony shit to try and get votes.. The look of him, the sound makes me want to throw up.

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"We want to get those numbers down" Well we wouldn't have such horriffic numbers had you not opened your big mouth and invited everyone to come here some years ago.You made it sound like Shangrila where everything is free for the taking and they believed you. The truth is you want to make it look like you want to get those numbers down but in actual fact you want to do the exact opposite.

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But for them it is free. 800 bucks a day Justin will spend, on a family of 4 immigrants. To give them a free hotel in Niagara.

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It has been reported that hotels are filled right across the country with illegal migrants and are clothed, fed and given health care, each individual illegal person can take months and years to process, all on the tax payer dime, I’m a generous person by nature but this is going beyond compassion, we have enough needy people of our own let alone being the Salvation Army for the world, as a commenter wrote.

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Of course most people are unaware of this as none of it appears on Trudeauvision(legacy media).CBC CTV ...etc.We need some good investigative journalists to report on this and seek the real truth about how our tax money is being used.I agree with you that we need to look after ourselves and our own first.Trudeau is sure looking after himself.He is pretending to be generous with money that is not his.

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The majority of these immigrants are selected from countries with NO TRADITION OF DEMOCRACY. 60PERCENT of them are from ISLAMIC countries so we can begin our count there. Very few are from Europe or the US, so how many of the remaining 40 % come from countries run by Dictators?


Then there's the issue of native-born Canadians. How many ignore Politics for 3 1/2 years and then weeks prior to the election just check the local News and let them tell them who to vote for?.




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I think the majority of us are wide awake. It’s just that we have our eyes closed when we are about to hit the ground in a nasty crash!! Everyone is convinced that Pierre will take over in 2025 and everything will go back to pre 15. Im doubtful that prince sparkle socks has any intention of relinquishing the reigns!

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Trudeau remember created this immigration mess for one goal, VOTES, beyond that he cares little for what happens to them. The same goes the USA President Biden , he passed a law or will that gives all immigrants the right to vote for him . The same goes for the CARBON TAX , it has zero to do with lowering ATMOSPHERIC CARBON levels, its all about raising Gas Prices so we will be forced to buy electric cars. A car is stolen every 44 minutes in Toronto , I would like to see the data of the ratio of Gas vehicles stolen verses Electric vehicles stolen in Toronto . I bet the ratio is very low , no-one wants them , no even car thieves.

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“Last year, Canada added 1.3 million people, which is a lot in one year, the equivalent of the US adding 11 million migrants in one year. And now they’re experiencing a housing crisis even worse than ours — and we’re sleeping in tents.”


“The median price of a home here is $346,000. In Canada, converted to US dollars, it’s $487,000. If Barbie moved to Winnipeg, she wouldn’t be able to afford her dream house and Ken would be working at Tim Horton’s.”


“And because of mortgage debt, Canada has the highest debt-to-GDP ratio of any G-7 Nation. I don’t know what that means, but it sounds bad.”


“So does their vaunted healthcare system, which ranks dead last among high- income countries in access to primary healthcare and ability to see a doctor in a day or two.”




Let’s try a little MATH …


• 60% of 1.3 Million equals 780,000

• 780,000 x 3 = 2,340,000 new Muslim citizens in three years

• In a single year Canada added the equivalent of 1/3 the population of GAZA to its numbers, and about half of them will locate in TORONTO.


This is just one aspect of Justin’s Divide and Conquer strategy. Do you get that our part-time Drama Teacher really dislikes Old Stock Canadians ???


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“Last year, Canada added 1.3 million people, which is a lot in one year, the equivalent of the US adding 11 million migrants in one year. And now they’re experiencing a housing crisis even worse than ours — and we’re sleeping in tents.”


“The median price of a home here is $346,000. In Canada, converted to US dollars, it’s $487,000. If Barbie moved to Winnipeg, she wouldn’t be able to afford her dream house and Ken would be working at Tim Horton’s.”


“And because of mortgage debt, Canada has the highest debt-to-GDP ratio of any G-7 Nation. I don’t know what that means, but it sounds bad.”


“So does their vaunted healthcare system, which ranks dead last among high- income countries in access to primary healthcare and ability to see a doctor in a day or two.”




Let’s try a little MATH …


• 60% of 1.3 Million equals 780,000

• 780,000 x 3 = 2,340,000 new Muslim citizens in three years

• In a single year Canada added the equivalent of 1/3 the population of GAZA to its numbers, and about half of them will locate in TORONTO.


This is just one aspect of Justin’s Divide and Conquer strategy. Do you get that our part-time Drama Teacher really dislikes Old Stock Canadians ???


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traitor, mass murderer, hypocrite, zero-testosterone absolute waste of human skin this despicable wef / un planted "creature" is!!!

Takes your breath away...while this complete and utter POS continues to steal oxygen while taxing CDNS into poverty and govt-sponsored homelessness-MAID-suicide!


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