Trudeau has much in common with Macron in this regard: the latter is also unable to physically connect with the people, and even more so since the Gilets Jaunes protests, which the international press studiously ignored. Macron too remains locked away and only seems to address his public via television, responding to any protest with ever hardening restrictions. Both come from the Young Leaders stable overseen by Klaus Schwab of the WEF, so is it any wonder that we get carbon copies of 'leadership' behaviour across continents.
Trudeau has much in common with Macron in this regard: the latter is also unable to physically connect with the people, and even more so since the Gilets Jaunes protests, which the international press studiously ignored. Macron too remains locked away and only seems to address his public via television, responding to any protest with ever hardening restrictions. Both come from the Young Leaders stable overseen by Klaus Schwab of the WEF, so is it any wonder that we get carbon copies of 'leadership' behaviour across continents.
True-deau....more like Lie-Deau.
Correction: potato head in the sand.