Trudeau will not do anything as he needs China to help him win elections!!! They will continue cheating to bring in the “great re-set”.

Elections Canada has started putting voting rolls on “ the cloud”. Municipality/cities are allowing telephone voting registration and voting!!! Mail in ballots do not help!!

The USA has had issues with electronic voting rolls. The Gateway Pundit has several articles documenting the access China has to their elections and the scams that happened in 2020.

Anything electronic can be hacked!!!

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Sometimes old school is the best, count the votes by hand and not electronic, these control freaks want everything done at the snap of their fingers. I would trust individual counting than any electronic BS

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Usually Biden and Trudeau work their large policies in tandem, lock step, they work together for WEF UN WHO Corporate Autocrat Globalist Elite OneWorldGov't geopolitical realignment. I'm suspicious of this, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm shocked 😲 Biden would do anything because it benefits the USA. China was going to play a significant role in the Globalist's NewWorldOrder OneWorldGov't. But I'm wondering what has changed. BRICS?

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Anyone know what part of BC he is vacationing in this week..... I live here and want to get his autograph...... 😉

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I hope it is to burn in front of him.

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Even trying to brainwash these bears. There's no limit to his deceptiveness.

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