Yes. He's worked out well for their long term plans for CAD. There's no question that he's a plant, an infiltrated, and he knew exactly what he was there to do. He is the threat to national security. He's the stage 4 cancer that has us on the precipice of complete destruction.

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Right on

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If it's accurate, it's right on.

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Even cancer has been beaten for many!

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Yes. We can win, on a wing and prayer, and alot of communication. But like cancer, authoritarianism, communism always comes back. It's a never ending battle. We were sleeping.

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But he won’t win the battle!!!!!

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I pray to God every day that we continue to gain ground. They seem to be 20 steps ahead of us. And we're being attacked on every front. They're going after farmers, while buying up farmland, talking about bugs, and drawing up plans for 15 minute cities. Then there's cancel culture, censorship, and gun bans. Immigration is completely out of control in CAD and the USA. In CAD it looks like a small leak and in USA it looks like a full scale invasion. And both governments are gaslighting us by calling us all racists, accusing us of white supremacy, while sliding transgender identity politics under the door. Not trying to be punny but there's only so many fingers that we can stick in the dyke. And the physically strongest, 20s, 30s, 40s have been brainwashed and men have been feminized. They're not going to pick it up and sock it to trudy because the men have to put their hair in a bun and pick their kid up at school.

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20 steps ahead because the agenda of destruction was created 50 years ago[Pierre Trudeau, communist]

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Absolutely. Trying to finish what his dad started.

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That late Honorary Professor of Peking University......that Canadian globalist who chaired the United Nations 1992 Earth Summit in Rio.....the advisor to Canadian Prime Ministers....The Honourable Maurice F. Strong PC CC OM FRSC FRAIC stated so infamously......."Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" Isn't that exactly what Trudeau and his henchmen are doing to Canada? With impunity? Virtually unchallenged?

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Morris Strong helped set the stage for Justin to destroy our country.

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Trudeau needs to remember his heritage is more ‘white’ than anything. He misrepresents himself in sooooo many ways. NOT leader material by any means. Sheer evil- take over for your buddies in China and Ukraine!!!!

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His heritage is half Cuban(Castro) and half Anglophone(Margaret)

As such, his attitude toward Old Stock Canada is 100% HATRED.

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His heritage is Marrano jew father, illuminati bloodlined mother, and 100% communist jesuit schooled/oathed operative... He's blood-oathed into bankrupting ALL levels of government, and pushing kakistocratic governance to the abyss.

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Fidelito Turdeau is not the real problem. He is just one in a long line of WEF sock puppets that are queing up to do their master's will. If he leaves he will be replaced with someone as bad or worse. Look no further than the departure of New Zealand's Jacinda Adern to see the game. Her replacement appears even more Hell bent on these agendas than she/he/it was. This is intentional wearing down of resistance. This strategy has been repeated over and over down under. From what I can see the "conservative" party in Canada is very much in on this too. Our congress in the US is also full to the brim with these people that are controlled opposition. These agendas are measured and pressed as far as they can be in a particular country to wear the public down. Apparently British counties like Australia, New Zealand and Canada are thought to be the most ripe for the picking. This is because of close to a century of socialist politics in these places that the people foolishly tolerated and bought into. There is a reason it's called "The Long March". Fidelito's mother was a Rothschild. His father appears to have been Fidel Castro. He was conceived, by confirmable timing, during a visit there by the Turdeau's. He was born to this job but if he leaves who will replace him?

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so when does the revolution start, has been my question since the quebec separatist has ruined canada, but now the muslims will be taking over quebec, there will be a new battle on the plains d,abraham. the french will long for the english then i can tell you, instead of the third world shitholes.

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Did you know Singh is a Muslim and then he’s banned from going to back to India?

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not only his own country, he is not allowed in the usa, he is known as a terrorist to the americans, but, the complacement canadiana just let everything go.

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No land in Canada was stolen, it was taken away by more technologically advanced, better-equipped, stronger, more educated, more aggressive people. The natives didn't care to retain residency or were unable to do so. As has happened throughout millennia of history, the strong persisted. The biggest mistake was entering into Treaties that had no legal basis.

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My most fervent wish is that Western Canada, or at least Alberta and Saskatchewan, can gain greater autonomy so we can prepare ourselves for the ultimate dissolution of the federation. We've had enough of Laurentian elites and the useful idiots that vote LIberal-NDP in the GTA, Montreal and Vancouver who are "hell bent" on destroying our economy and our way of life.

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I think your taken in by an illusion about Alberta. They may say one thing but I just saw that many cities there are on the WEF sponsored "smart cities" track. It looked like a couple dozen at least. Smart cities are about installing the kind of social control infrastructure that China now enjoys. Social credit spying, 15 minute city barriers like are going up in Britain, etc. Watch what these governments keep on doing while they distract with publicity stunts.

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He was raised by a Communist admirers. He was trained to be a WEF puppet. With dreams of turning Canadians into his minions.

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The Prime Poisoner is adept with many toxins.

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Feb 1, 2023Edited
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More importantly his mother was a Rothschild. Claws Swab is a great Uncle or something like that.

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