May 29·edited May 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

Singh - a traitor and a liar, no wonder Trudeau needs him ...

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Singh-- loyal to Sikhism, Khalistan and Islam. And that's about it.

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May 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

Birds of a feather.Actually more like vultures than birds.

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May 30Liked by Brad Salzberg

The Trudeau Liberals made a quiet immigration announcement on Monday, but it will have MASSIVE consequences

The Trudeau Liberals have announced that they will be QUINTUPLING the number of refugees they're accepting from Gaza.

They say they're increasing the number of visas from 1,000 to 5,000.

But they made another admission yesterday.

Those 5,000 visas? They aren't visas for individuals.


Marc Miller insists that these refugees will only be in Canada on a temporary basis, but do you really believe that?

After all, Marc Miller suggested a few weeks ago that we could reduce the number of temporary residents in Canada by making them permanent.

So in other words, these 5,000 families are going to be here permanently.

That's on top of over 1 million people coming to Canada every year.

Where are the houses? Where are the hospitals? Where is the infrastructure to sustain this?!

And that's not to mention how we're going to ensure that extremists aren't entering the country.

One recent poll found that a 70% MAJORITY of Gazans approve of Hamas, and that support has only INCREASED since the recent war started.

With the recent assassination on our soil, we know that the Liberals are already UTTERLY FAILING to keep extremists and other criminals out of Canada.

And we expect them to do a good job with Gaza?

The media is hardly reporting on this, but we think Canadians need to know about it.

The Trudeau Liberals made this announcement quietly and it hasn't made the front pages anywhere, but is this really what Canadians want right now?

Amid the housing crisis?

Amid the health care shortage?

Amid the homelessness crisis?


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May 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

What right does Trudeau have to impose his crude ideological pseudo morals on all of us? NO right at all. But then what right did he have to freeze the bank accounts of supporters of the trucker's freedom convoy.?What right did he have to mandate vaccines that were unsafe and ineffective and have injured hundreds of people and killed some.What right did he have to impose lockdowns that bankrupted many small businesses and what right did he have to make employers fire medical personel that chose not to be vaccinated.Turns out the vaccinated are now sicker and more of a health hazard than the unvaccinated ever were.What right did he have to keep you from being at the bedside of dying relatives?What right does he have to favor certain groups over others thereby creating resentment and division?What right does he have to take away the right to chose what medical treatment we opt for by making natural products inaccessible for most people?What right does he have to pay off the legacy media (with our tax dollars)so that we only hear the information that he wants us to hear?And I could go on and on with the list of his transgressions and total disregard for our constitutional rights.He is like a king in the middle ages.Makes up his rules and imposes them .No one is there to stop him .Such is the huge costly FLAW in our system of government.When 80% of the population wants you gone ,there should be provisions in place to get rid of you without delay.

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A woke feudal lord

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May 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

At the present time there is no checks and balances to stop this man.. and remember we have bill 63 on the horizon.

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Online Harms Act is a main reason why the Trudeau-Singh neo-communist pact remains.

Media never mention this.

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May 30Liked by Brad Salzberg

We want less of this and he brings in more. This woke POS has to go. I’m taking up cross bow target practice for decompressing from his daily stress that he inflicts on us Canadians.

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Nunavut, please

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May 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

If there is any justice in the World, a mod will get Black Face and tar and feather him in Parliament Square.

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May 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

He sticks around entirely for selfish reasons. And he's made examples of those that dared to stand up to him for any reason other than The Math. That's the only thing he listens to.

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Bill Rymer wrote...

All social collective ideologies share one overwhelmingly undeniable characteristic in common, namely the belief that humanity must be coerced and controlled by force if necessary for the public good. Not a single totalitarian regime could exist without this essential premise. I don't care if we are discussing Political Islam, Cultural Marxist Critical Theory, WOKE, Fascism/Nazism, Leninism, Maoism, the original Dialectical Materialism of Marx and Engels, and yes even so-called Democratic Socialism, all demand that humanity submit to central planning by the State, conformity of thought and opinion, mass forced inoculation, control of currency, human movement, an end to free market capitalism, and most damningly an attack on Christian ethics and morals aimed at undermining the sanctity of the nuclear family.

I have this sad warning, one I've so often repeated and documented in blogs and vodcasts, I have often analysed these parasitical ideas using the literature and writings of the originators of ideas which have led to this "Borg-like", anti-human, apocalyptic mind meld. I've shown definitive and undeniable proof of not only where these ideas originate but who has been responsible for disseminating them. Yet despite me demonstrating that what I've stated is factual I'm still labelled as a false prophet of doom. I never ask anyone to believe me but rather to examine the evidence to assess it for yourselves then tell me precisely where I went wrong in my assessment.

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