No longer hiring the most competent because of minority mandates. Marxism will tear Canada down into a non functioning mess. I don't care if they hire 100% coloured people as long as they are the most competent. It's ability not skin colour that counts. This Marxist crap is just that, crap.

It only divides and creates resentment. I thought we got along much better before the Trudeau hysteria and separating Canadians into groups and then made to oppose each other. Who believes Blackface more times than he recall is not a racist???

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Look up Trudope’s ‘ancestory’. He is only3/8ths French with others being English, scottish, Irish, Malasyian, etc. so what is his problem? Claming French he figures he has superiority?🤮🤮🤮Both his parents had both gender activity so who knows what he is? Plus known mental health issues in the family??? He has a severe identity crisis as well as narcissistic sociopath personality! Trade his dope forprozac😂😂😂 and see if that helps🙄😵‍💫🙄

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Good call, but one doesnt have to look up Trudeau's ancestry to know that he is a communist and hater of our communities.

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he is there because of the french vote from quebec, he is a very smooth talker, and he can twist things so easily.

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And the cooored votes he caters to especially Aboriginals!!

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Mummy is well known for having considerable activity similar to "gender". We suspect she had fun in Cuba.

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It is past time to call this what it is, racism. No one should qualify for jobs in Canada based on skin colour. To do so is and always will be racist. Trudeau must go!

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Its a breach of Canadian law.

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Vancouver Global news is a good example of non white reporters!!

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Hitler would be Proud! Next, White Canadian's will be required by law to have the letter " W " in front of their License Plate Number. Don't laugh!!

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so when is canada going to wake up, or have they given up already.there is two ways to take our country back, or have a revolutiln, and there never be a quebecer to lead canada again. its really simple in my opion. opps to vote him out is the other option. who knows what he will do in the new year, the rest of the world detests this lover of communism, i would call it the big three that has to go, trudeau, rutte, and that woman for the opther side. down with all three and then fay klaus will be on the run. btw, who coted klaus schawb into that position.

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If media wrote the truth, Canadians would be aware.

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Dec 17, 2022
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Id-jits of the highest order. Whyte snowflakes are the worst of them.

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He instructed CBC not o hire whites from the time he got in. He’s of more white descent than French! Struggling with his ‘identity’ and figures the colored areeasier to manipulate. Despicable to his core!!!

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majority of his chosen 3rd world migrants come from non-democratic countries, so they are used to his style of leadership. The rest have little clue how they are being used to transfer Canada to an authoritarian state.

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This has to be stopped. Who would go along with this? Doesn't Trudeau know that he is mostly white, except for his Cuban heritage, and we never held that against him.

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CAP have.

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How is this not a racist act by the federal/provincial governments?... I'm sure that if the shoe was on the other foot, it would be called racist until people believed the story to be true!...

Where is the opposition parties, CPC, NDP, Bloc, Green NOWHERE in sight and people wonder why this type of BULLSHIT continues on, in Canada!

YES, lets put people, that have NO business being, in the positions they are in, ... Example: Trudeau, Freeland, Singh, May and that Bloc IDIOT, that only belongs in Quebec and should NEVER be let out of that poor excuse of a province, Quebec!... The trouble behind and everything wrong, with Canada!!!

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I identify as black, therefore I am fully qualified. I accept the position and will be working from home. My research will include the effects bouncy castles have on the intersection of pipelines and pineapple cores, therefore I am invoking the EA in order to protect National Security. I intend to release my research papers after the Winnipeg Lab documents have been.

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Asolute racism and discrimination!! This country has gone to hell in an handcart!!

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Again, as in many previous columns, anti-Anglo-European genocide is described . A revolution is required ASAP.

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Wait until these same Social Justice Warriors experience personal dissatisfaction once they realize first hand that skin colour has nothing to do will skill. Oooops!

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So…….white Canadians ‘need not apply’……………or applicants who LOOK white need not apply? Prince Harry has two golden haired children………. which begs the question, if one LOOKS white, is he, she, we you , they not accepted? Perhaps last names or passport ID will be used in such determination?

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Perhaps the govt Of China will decide

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The real tell here is not one brown one, black one, indian, ethnic, or even white in any position of authority, has stood up to say this is wrong.

They either agree with the policy, or are terrified of the cancel culture LEFT.



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