Jun 14Liked by Brad Salzberg

If you wanted to find a properly hanging outfit in Freelandrescher's closet, it would probably belong to a gnome.

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Or the PM for use after pride parades.

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Here is a radical thought … A VERY RADICAL ONE, and explosive too !!!


I’ve seen numerous studies that rate the relative military strength of countries. I recently I came across another that may be in a class of its own. These studies typically evaluate all the Convention weapons and the sizes of the militaries of nations, and come up with some sort of hybrid measure of their military might.


The study I recently came across did something different. It factored in the country’s NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES. It is unfortunate, but due to recent events that is becoming a more realistic measure.


That study rated ISRAEL as having the world’s SIXTH STRONGEST MILITARY. That changes things. … Consider the following.


We see stories almost daily about anti-Zionist, pro-HAMAS protesters chanting “From the river to the sea” in our streets. The suggestion is that Israel will be destroyed. OK, now give this matter a little thought. Long before HAMAS could drive the Jews into the sea, there would be a loss of life that rivals WW Two in the Middle East. Large areas of countries like Iran would be uninhabitable for Centuries, perhaps Millenia.


HAMAS claims that ISRAEL is committing Genocide. The Israelis have maintained that, NO they are taking extreme care to minimize civilian casualties. We know that in other conflicts civilian casualties have often approached 9-to-1. Israel has stated that it estimated the civilian losses in the GAZA conflict at close to 1-to-1.


I do not know what the truth is, but I think it is exceeding obvious that HAMAS’ estimates are huge exaggerations. HAMAS does not have the Military to fight a Conventional war, so it is fighting a PSY-OP, a psychological battle, trying to influence world opinion.


The next time a group of those leftward leaning WOKE ACTIVISTS take to the streets chanting “From the river to the sea”, they would be well advised to give a little thought to the issue of how realistic a possibility that is. The nations of the West would not let that happen. And Israel has the capability to ensure that it will never happen.


Not convinced ??? … I have a suggestion. Israel could test a small nuclear device on some small uninhabited island in the south Indian Ocean. Those claiming that Israel is conducting a Genocide, and are calling for its destruction, could then re-evaluate the situation, and adjust their thinking so it better aligns with reality.


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Even for her...

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deletedJun 14
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Surprised no one keeled over and died.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Brad Salzberg

RE PIC: Only leader in the so called free world to have taken a knee at a BLM protest - and during a panscamdemic. Couldn't be bothered to meet or send anyone to meet with the regular folks attending the Freedom Convoy protest. Instead, used COVID as an excuse (for the 3rd time) and hid... earning him the name, and sing it with me everyone - THE COWARD of THE COTTAGE!!!

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Works for everyone but whites

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and to take a knee with a teddy bear because of the worst hoax perpetrated on Canadians to date.

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Jun 14Liked by Brad Salzberg

Bill Rymer wrote…

The reason I state that there cannot be a political solution to a moral, ideological, and indeed a spiritual crisis is that politics is about consensus and compromise. Yet you simply cannot concede ground to those whose expressed intent is to destroy our very way of life. How would it be possible to create a consensus with those who define our parliamentary system, our cultural heritage, and our faith as remnants of a post-colonial, patriarchal tyranny?

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Fragmentation, Division. Marxist principles in action

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I was just reading some Canadian/American censored World news . It's really is disgusting what Bull Shit what they are feeding us.

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Nothing Trudeau says is ever supported by facts.He makes up stuff to suit his purpose and repeats it over and over until people believe his lies.Wonder if he believes himself?

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The State of Affairs in Canada. It's so bad that The United States stated that their main trading partner is now Mexico , not Canada anymore.

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The state of affairs in the USA is far from satisfactory.Both countries are led by treasonous WEFers

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Just read this,

US considers trade sanctions against Canada due to

Quebec language law

US officials have been monitoring Bill 96 since November 2022, documents

show. The International Trademark Association (INTA) has been sounding

the alarm too. The association urged the US to voice concerns over

Quebec’s language laws and to reconsider its trade position with Canada,

imposing sanctions if necessary. INTA also urged the Canadian government

to step in.

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Jun 16Liked by Brad Salzberg

Did you see the interview of Trudeau at the G-7 meeting in Italy. What a joke, Trudeau said his job was to protect DEMOCRACY in Canada and Ukraine .lol. Ukraine is far from being Democracy ,it's more of a Nazi style Government . PM Zelenskyy is no longer PM , his term ran out , he not even Ukrainian , he's a Russian and can't even speak Ukrainian very well. The only person that I saw talk to Trudeau was the PM of Italy , she was the host and had to. The Indian PM told Trudeau to F-OFF if you call that talking to Trudeau. All in all Trudeau again made a fool of himself and made Canada look bad, again.

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Jun 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau is too stupid to have any grasp on world affairs. I said that when he started running for Liberal leader. I said that when he became the Liberal leader. I said that when he was elected. I ESPECIALLY said that when he used Twitter to decry a duly arrived at verdict in a murder trial (along with equally as treasonous but much smarter like a fox Jody). I said that he was stupid AND dangerous when he said Canada has no national identity and he saw the country as a post-national experiment. He is a stupid man with a narcissist personality disorder.

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Jun 16Liked by Brad Salzberg

I did not see the interview, all of it is a joke, especially Trudy saying he is protecting democracy. There is no democracy in Canada and there has been none since trudy got in.

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