because that is the leg to stand on, to let massive immigration into this country, this is the language of reasoning.... we are racist and we need more immigration. Because it makes sense to shove those that worked before others to get into the land of milk and honey.

I don't even recognize Canada, every Walmart has a saturation of South Asians, who can't even speak English, forget about Tim Hortons, they only need apply there and of course it's 'inclusion', that only South Asians get hired at Home Depot as well, Tim Hortons, Walmart, funny but our European immigrants worked quietly and worked independently we never saw that at big box stores, it was the little white anglo saxon kids...working at Le Chateau, McDonalds.. But let's come up with an excuse, a lie to make this happen. So that this country is infiltration and unrecognizable...yes, we must accept the lies.. that we are racists. Not that we get pushed aside, not that we feel like did I immigrate to India/ China? because my kids are the minority in every university. and we see turbans on police officers our government look like a sidebar of Bangladesh, don't go to Brampton, because well you not going to like it there, its overtaken, not one one anglo saxon person there. Hello I am racists.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

Would Mr Blackface know a racist if he saw one??? He has time and our tax $$'s to bungy jump while Canadians can't buy good food or afford homes or rent.

You know where the "let them eat cake" attitude got the French elites/

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

The ignorance ,lack of sensitivity that it took for TRUDEAU to wear blackface on more then one occasion is solid proof to me that he is not only racist but classist.Princess Justin has lived a life of privilege that most Canadians will never even catch a glimpse of .Justin has lived in luxury ,had servants,is well travelled ,rubbed elbows with the rich and politically connected ,attended good schools.Justin has mostly lived the life of a spoiled ,not too intellectual, industrious nor ambitious society brat by virtue of his surname alone .I am a firm believer that Justin Trudeau looks down his nose at most Canadians and despises a large swath of us entirely .His voters are like the poor souls in abusive relationships who continue to believe the charming liar will change ,like the servants of Downton Abbey that believe they are just like one of the

family . TRUDEAU should have known better . Canadians should now know better #TrudeauMustGo

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Brad Salzberg

It’s unfortunate Trudeau is so jealous of white Canadians. His immaturity and narcissism have eaten his common sense and traded it for corruption and pseudo pride. He is a damaged little boy in a man’s body. Along with Butts. Guess that is why they are friends? Butts father was a coal miner on the east coast of Canada. My Scottish relatives helped to settle this country - big time! In his eyes, he only wants immigrants he can manipulate. Singh has taken advantage of everything available in Canadian life and now wants to be a butcher along with Trudeau. Hypocrites and deceitful. Stand strong Canadians. We are working against evil. A sad state😬

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Trudeau has done more wrong in his 7 years than I've done in my whole lifetime, maybe because of my European family background and I'm much older than the little turds age and I'm not telling a lie, I was also told never to lie in front of a judge, or his court, wait till we see on his questioning on the emergency act, will he get the 3rd catch of covid19

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Trudeau must go he is the racist individual dividing this wonderful country. I hope Canadians will never let this happen.

Stand tall and stay free get rid of Trudeau.

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The international economy is an interconnected network. Budding economists are taught in universities around the world; their educations focus on techniques of measurement. They can be expected to find employment in governments, corporations and of course lecturing in the universities where they were educated in the first place. Economists are not accountants. Accountants for the most part are allocators of past activities; they collate and allocate all the incomes and costs of enterprise activity; summing up in the income statement and balance sheet the particularities of those past activities such that management can compare one year to another. Simplifications are always annoying to specialists; the intention here is to inform the generalist about the scope of various specialties role in various institutional and corporate settings, not impugn their practitioners.

Economists on the other hand examine internally generated data and compare it to the national statistical tables prepared by governments. They examine the reportings of public companies disclosures. Their departments may be sophisticated and employ dozens of people gathering information from around the world published in newspapers and disclosed in things as mundane as interviews the corporate leaders take part in. Economists are employed to aid corporations or governments or private businesses or non government agencies to estimate the aggregate effects of exogeanoys activities on their particular organizations future prospects.

They take the evidence of historical data and turn the data into information useful to the executives, corporate management, and CFOs and CEOs of the companies they run. Economists are employed by governments to do the same thing. Make aggregate statistics relevant to decision makers.

All of this is to make plain that accountants and economists measure the effects of policies but they do not make policy. Within government policies accumulate over time. Every government inherits policy decisions made by previous administrations. Obviously this is constraining. Inherent in these policies are various ideological promulgations. These ideologies are deeply embedded in the collective unconscious and consciousness of countries populations.

As often as not policies are made by powerful agencies barely transparent to the policy makers. Lobbiests attempt to effect policies favourable to the interests of the firms they represent. Behind the scenes meetings go on all the time between senior representatives of all kinds of enterprises and the policy makers within government. Policy makers are as often as not people who rotate between government and the various sectors they truly represent. For example: a close examination of the ties between corporations like Power Corp in Quebec and governments in Canada, both provincial and federal, and their international affiliates is not acedemic. These constructs are powerful. At the very top of the food chain enormously powerful banks exert enormous influence downwards within every country in the world. Their interests are hardly ideologically pure. Debts must be paid! The debts of course are denominated in money but are socially reciprocal as well. These debts are as often as not class interests. People with most of the wealth in the world are powerful — and want to keep their wealth and the power which maintains it. These interests prefer the shadows. They do not want to be exposed, and more so, do not want their activities disclosed.

Much of the bumpf received by the public is intended to confuse. Politicians erect enormous barriers between these powerful interests and the public whom imagine serve them and their interests. Well they used to think and believe politicians served them.

It was expected that politicians served as intermediaries — a kind of buffer between them and the much larger and more powerful interests. But increasingly the public is becoming more doubtful by the minute that politicians have any power whatsoever to countervail the vast power of money and the bankers and borrowers banks are entwined with.

The most important means to countervail the power of money interests and their political servants is an informed public.

These interests are nothing if not knowledgeable about the power an informed public represents in countervailing their power. Education has been co-opted to serve those power possessing interests operating in the shadows. Media used to serve to countervail powerful operators and shed light on their activities, but media has been co-opted to serve those power possessing interests operating in the shadows.

People ask “what can I do?” People could countervail the powerful and perhaps would if they had a smidgen of awareness about the social structures they inhabit. Grass roots power exists. If people understood the way in which education has been structurally organized to brainwash their children they would demand their children were in fact truly educated. Powerful people see to it that their children are educated and informed. The rest of us abdicate and leave it entirely up to distant powers to set the standards and the curriculum their children experience.

Feel good messaging is intentionally constructed to disabuse people of their power. Instead of demanding the education that leads to the power of an informed public the students are taught to give away their power to institutional constructs.

This is a long essay so I’ll conclude. Only individuals can change. Institutions are incapable of change. In fact institutions seek more power. We give away our power every day by feeding institutional inertia. This begins with our childrens schooling. Schooling is intentionally structured to reenforce the power of the powerful. Teach your children well. Use your brain to understand the power arrayed against your children and you. Think about it!

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Canada was born with an inherent structural weakness. Its form of government is more like the European Union — a federation — rather than a confederation. The ‘union’ is therefore, inherently asymmetric. After Canadas constitution was patriated, accompanied by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Pierre E Trudeau sought a Supreme Court Ruling, affirming Canada as a bilingual and bicultural federation. Trudeau sucker punched unilingual Canadians’, whom had no idea what Trudeau intended. The Charter was a constitutional amendment by design and intent to give Quebec paramountcy in Canada. The other provinces were rendered second class. Or more delicately; Quebec became first among equals. Why would Quebec sign the Constitution? That was for the lesser provinces! This episode in Canadian history was called “…a quiet revolution.” A revolution it was! Ever since, Canada has been run by the Supreme Court. The judges are appointed and they know the drill; if they know what’s good for them. Parliament has been intentionally neutered. Decisions are made in the PMOs office and carefully crafted to ensure the Supremes will rubber stamp the initiatives.

Media is highly concentrated in Canada and now-a-days subsidized by the Federal Government. Why was media concentration approved? Do most Canadians understand the implications of media concentrated and funded by government? Such arrangements formerly existed in the USSR. A prime objective in Communist China and in the Soviet Union was to control information and manipulate and control its population. Post Media publishes dozens of newspapers in Canada. Post Media is ~65% owned by an American Company based in New Jersey.

Why was this approved? It though accords with the observable fact that Canada is a Satrapy. Of course the U.S. is an Empire run by Israeli Zionists. Powerful interests in the Province of Quebec see to it that Canada is delivered into the hands of International Globalists. If this sounds extreme, simply enter Maurice Strong into your search engine. He was a prime architect of Globalism. Consider his circle of influential and powerful associates. Then if you cannot connect the dots it proves just how little information necessary to understand Canada circulates in the MSM. Trudeau the Lesser is no less an agent for the Globalists’ and their Agendas than Pierre E Trudeau.

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