Those patriots who don't vote in municipal, provincial or federal elections are aiding in the destruction of this country.

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Whites must get out and vote. this is one reason why Trudeau, Butts and Telford developed a campaign of national self-hatred. To ruin patriotism, therefore less whites care about politics. sneaky lil' buggers that they are.

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Trudeau wants Canada to be the first “post National” country. WEF runs this smarmy little fellow.

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I know no-one including myself who is ashamed to be White . If there are some people who do, I suggest there is some underlying mental problem that needs immediate attention.

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More than 500k + illegals and new voters and 2 long years to the next election aren't helping.

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They can't all vote automatically, it's not like a refugee steps off the boat from Somalia and can vote on day one, though Justin would much prefer that they can.

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Agree. I was just making a point he'll do pretty well anything he wants regardless of the rules.

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Absolutely, like a Dick-tator would.

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You are right to be concerned What's to keep him from changing the rules as to who is eligible to vote.Seems to be able to get any new law passed easily these days with the help of NDP and the Bloc-heads from Quebec.

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My Aunt used to live in a seniors apartment building. There were four buildings in this complex. Last election Election Canada stopped coming to their buildings to pick up seniors to drive them to the place where they could vote. Most seniors are against Trudeau , I wonder how Trudeau was able to arrange this and interfere with the voting process for his benefit . Next election we should all watch to see if this happens again and petition Election Canada to have Trudeau charged with election fraud.

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if anyone in their right mind, believes that trudeau will win, he will to when you see it like you have written this morning. my point being, do you really think the americans will allow twinkle toes to get his dictatorship without a fight, maybe it will be time to put american boots on canadian soil and arrest this treasonist prick. i would love to see this. just my opinion brad.

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Dec 2, 2023
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Like a bast-turd would.

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Check out the 2019 Australian federal election candidates for the seat of Chisholm. They may not be dual citizenship holders but both major political parties know that the voters there that count the most are definitely racialized and will vote accordingly.

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