It's a grand experiment and when you group certain people rather than diagnose as mentally ill you can make $$$. Taking advantage of particular people so deluded they will have their weenie cut off. Heck it would be very tough otherwise to find anyone willing. Next is transplants of a female reproductive system into a male under the disguise of helping transgenders. As an old friend said decades ago, don't jump up on the table at the first flick of a knife!

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Call it "pink fascism"...the phenomenon has a fascist tone to it. Reminding one of work camp experiments from a previous century.

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if only the radical left could understand that minority does not mean equate to majority

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The radical left under understand nothing but the radical left. Leading imbecile, J. Trudeau.

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I despair, boggles my mind, maybe because I’m 86!

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It's not the age. Any person with basic common sense would object to the trans agenda, which at its core is e.v.i.l.

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Because maybe he’s coming out🤣

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And what fun to whack the sillies over the head with “look here, not there!” Psychopaths love to manipulate the weak. It’s a visceral pleasure to harm others for their own good.

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