Feb 12, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau has adopted agenda 2030 and following the doctrine of cultural separation intentionally. Charter of rights was always designed to introduce obstacles for traditional laws to be used as an instrument for cultural manipulation. Let's face it, old stock Canadians you'll find predominantly in newspapers obituary columns and our political parties couldn't care less how many are dying.

Ethnic silos are a political construct and used to keep populations/immigrants in the disguise of multiculturalism.

Anglophones, Western Europeans who built this country are being displaced by 3rd world immigrants which will thrive right up until OLD STOCK has met their mortal coil, then all hell will break out when these ethic silos demand recognition by religious dogma which will destroy what's left of CANADA.

Politicians are responsible for this destruction and certain provinces will capitulate to appease these ethnic populations by simply electing their own representatives. Ontario, BC, will have white minorities while Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, will either separate or legally leave confederation. Eastern provinces will be too poor to leave Confederation needing more transfer payments to function.

Also , most of our military are stationed in Quebec and will not be available in the event of any uprising amongst citizens demanding protection from cultural oppression.

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I came to Canada as a visitor - and stayed. At that time, Canada looked little different from the UK or other Western countries. Culturally, Canada was aligned with other Western democracies. How quickly this reality changed under Trudeau senior. First, families like mine, from the Alberta oil patch found themselves in North Africa thanks to Trudeau’s meddling. Almost twenty years later we returned to a visibly MUCH changed country. Yes, people of colour appeared to dominate - but the concerns of many returnees and those who were long term residents was NEVER race, or colour, instead it focused largely on culture. We felt then, and arguably can see the result of massive immigration now, that will and has changed the sociopolitical and cultural present day life of Canada. Our new immigrants MAY, along with the government idiots who planned this transformation, believe that this coup will be successful. I would ask these emissaries of multiple countries two questions. Why did you leave your birth country and what did you hope to find? Those who ran from their home countries are now, with the assistance of government fools, hoping to displace all those who created and built such a desirable and wonderful political and economic environment - employing all that they learned from the disastrous conditions in their homelands. Good luck with that!

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

If you own a camp in the woods somewhere , move there and enjoy your life and family . It's just going to get worse unless Canadians act before Trudeau disarms us and limits our movements to home and work. Sounds like China to me.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

What's happening in Canada reminds me of the Middle Age Crusades but with a perverted twist.

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Back around 1988 I subscribed to a government program to help small businesses use computers. On the application form #17 question was: Am I a member of a visible minority? I marked Yes.

When going over my form the woman told me I had made a mistake, and I was not a member of a visible minority. I walked over to her office window and asked her to join me and identify one Caucasian on the street 2 floors below. She would not, I could not, and I told her to do whatever she wanted, because I am a visible minority.

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If we have to be honest us whites are to blame because we are not in solidarity with each other, we have White people that are bleeding liberals, who give the opportunity to open up more to the minorities.

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Very clever indeed. Making forever liberal/socialist voters for forever Liberal rule. However. Here is another factor. Whites aren’t having children, so we eliminate ourselves. Hungary rewards having babies by tax incentives, helping paying mortgages. Of course that would be impossible for Liberals here in Canada. Maybe we need some save our whites, social justice NGOs to raise money for families and babies.

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Trudeau doesn't give a sh-t about any race. Race is just a tool he's using to divide Canada and White / non-voting Trudeau Canadians. If your not with him your against him and you have to go. It wouldn't take much to topple King Trudeau if all Democratic Canadians moved as one and voted him out of office.

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I am white! Always have been and proud to be. Trudope’s family history is ‘white’ more than anything else! What’his problem? Too many lobotomies??? Natives and whites settled this country more than others. Back off you demented(whatever you want to be called- or do you even know what/who) you are. Retribution will be God’s!!!

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In trudeau's world there is no room for justin trudeau. His dad Pierre Elliot was a white French cdn, jt was educated in two prestigious uni-lingual French schools in Montréal (Académie Michèle Provost & Collège Jean-de-Brebeuf). Unless he spends years in CCP style "struggle sessions" for reprogramming, he is what he says he will replace because he is

what offends him. Save us all the grief and leave the country forever.

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Brad - apologies if you’ve touched on this before, but how does our fearless leader plan on dealing with the inevitable civil war in the coming years. No, not because of the ‘established’, dwindling ‘racist’ labeled folks; rather between his two polar opposite favourite ‘children’!

I wonder who will prevail?! ;P

The audacious dichotomy is outrageous and troubling…

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RemovedFeb 12, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg
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