if you were born in Canada, shouldn't you have some rights too???

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Only Trans, Gays, 3rd World communities. Add Quebecois, and eco-warriors. Any Canadians who fall into the generic "average" Canadian, Anglophone, Christian, Old Stock will have zero say. That's Liberal-NDP neo-fascism in action.

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I am Quebecois by birth and I have no rights here. You have to be 100% french to move ahead here or a POC of some sort. So many muslims suddenly are in every work place without knowing french or english its blowing my mind. I was rejected many times in job placements, not for too much education but because of my name. Not being french. Its a big fu to me seeing anyone coming in, is getting the royal treatment and white EU anglos in Quebec as well, are left to rot even told to “LEAVE” by Légault. Told all anglos to move to Ontario. Wish everyone could have. He forgets who the really rich ppl are. Old stock white EU anglos. He will have to shut down hospitals, schools etc due to lack of funding after everyone leaves.

The discrimination has been bad since my childhood. Never been able to move out of province. If I gotta go away, Alberta would be it so far. Though I liked NFLD when I stayed there. But its VERY Liberal there.

Can Conservatives undo this land transfer??? He is gonna leave a mess and blame new govt. WATCH. So typical.

I am not sure about this land transfer. If they manage their resources like getting water, hydro, internet to places that just could not get it before- fine. This govt failed some First Nations seriously on those basics.

But full control of say of BC? did I read right? you are right. Business would decline. What about any fracking etc? they can refuse future reversals of pipelines etc if they run through their land. Just like where I live in Quebec next to the Native Reserve. They own half the bridge towards Montreal island. Its a nightmare. Always under construction and part closed.Its a form of control. Its pavement is wavy so cars hit the asphalt. Very bad repairs. Ppl rely on this bridge to get to work or other. They can shut it anytime.

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Sad, Anglos getting attacked from all sides, media say nothing.

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I'm in qc too... told Legault to give us a severance for all taxes paid and not the same services . Then if we want we could get the fuck out of Dodge!!

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It’s “Death by a Thousand Cuts” for Canada now. It is heartbreaking to watch what is happening to our country in real time. The past 8 years of slow destruction has creeped into a speeding locomotive. With another year and a half left in the Liberal government rule, it doesn’t matter if Trudeau steps down and one of the other bobble heads takes over for the remainder of the term.. the deal is done..Canada as the country it once was, is a thing of the past. We will morph into a drug addicted,homeless,violent,mass unemployed and lawless third world country. But hey at least we reduced our Carbon Footprint right? Nothing like virtue signalling yourself to death lol. I will smile at the sight of every LiberalNdp supporter with a pride/Ukraine/Israel flag in their bios losing their minds when they come to take away their homes,cars,bank accounts and their “rights”. They voted themselves right into to all of this.

As for the rest of us who have seen this happening from the start, make preparations if you haven’t already. Wake up family members who are blind to this and tell them that they aren’t voting their way out of this mess. Pierre won’t be the saviour.. I fear this is too far gone for anyone to save at this point today, never mind a year and a half from now.

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Ruining life for whites, transferring power to 3rd World people and First Nations

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Typical narcissistic ,egocentric ,immature ,spoiled brat reaction.If I ,the all powerful all mighty infallible king of the country can't keep on ruling then I will use a scorched earth policy to make it as difficult and miserable for who ever takes over from me no matter how many lives I destroy in the process.Someone like that cannot pretend to love this country.This is similar to a man killing his young children to punish his wife who has left him.A very self centered self seving selfish reaction.

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What he is.

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You got your land ownership via the Crown. If the native tribes own it instead, it's not your land, and you are limited to trying to get reimbursed for what you paid from what is now a defunct nation. The supreme court should be defending Canadian rights and not racist tribal land claims.

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Chipped away at from all sides.

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The Pm of Canada doesn't own Canada, it belongs to ALL CANADIANS , I am sure that this is illegal and will be sent to the Supreme Court and be overturned. There is another Truck Convey planned for Ottawa for this coming summer and for the rest of Canada . I hope Trudeau is in PRISON by then.

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A concept no Trudeau family member has understood

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Just some random thoughts and questions: Is this related to the UNDRIP program? Wouldn't this affect private properties too? Is the government telling the indigenous people that they own the land now, even though the government/crown still owns the land? Wouldn't they be using the indigenous people to cause unrest in the province or territory and then blame them for what they wanted to happen?

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Every time we see the "we acknowledge that we Stand on Indigenous land" trope it is intended to instal guilt in whites.

A bullshtye rap. We weren't even alive at the time of the historical events

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Yes. They want us to pay for the sins of past governments. These globalists don't give a damn about indigenous people. They are being used to further the globalist agenda. They made sure they were first in line along with the elderly to get the jab. That says it all.

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I think it's all a land grab by the UN. If the First Nations cannot put together the infrastructure and all systems needed to manage this huge land transfer etc., the UN will step in! First Nations will be slaves like us! This link helps explain better than I can. https://librti.com/view-video/the-new-world-order-has-officially-just

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Thanks for the link! I agree with you!

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I realize that I saw this before on Liberti.

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The Nunavut land transfer benefits China!!!! That’s why Trudeau did it!!!!

Now China can make side deals with Nunavut leaders to get access to resources! How bout lease land to move in military? Move in telecommunications sites? It was a go around to destroy Canada!!!!

The British Columbia changes sound like ways to continually stop oil pipelines/resources and to help push Chinas green agenda so we are reliant on them.

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Of course it does. The Li-berals are owned by China, the Trudeau family--all of them--included. They likely have it over Justin for some weird behaviour or illicit action he took toward a woman or multiple women. Or men, who knows with that guy?

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He sure keeps us guessing doesn't he.

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Signing our sovereignty away to UNDRIP in 2019 (which was passed unanimously by all parties in the Leg) sealed our fate BC. We’re so fucked. Trudeau knows the Titanic is sinking and he’s doing everything he can to make sure it sinks to the bottom of the ocean as quickly as possible on his way out the door. And behind closed doors the Marxist party led by Eby is trying to push this through while they still have a majority without the knowledge or consent of the people of this province, before we head to the polls. These chronically woke tyrannical ideologues are working as hard as they can to ensure our province and country go into the shitter as quickly as humanly possible. Problem is the Sheep don’t know and don’t care (and won’t until its already too late)

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He is a despicable, disgusting and pained rich kid with many unresolved personal issues!!!

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Parental, sexual, masculinity, pathological, narcissist and more.

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And definitely not qualified to be a leader of our country, his only achievement has been to destroy our once prosperous country, I weep over this everyday.

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Eby is disappointing, he’s aligning himself with Trudeau and Singh, he needs to be voted out this coming election.

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So, we're to accept the probable that BC will eventually become one big casino! TOC will love it!

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Oh dear! Some day, not soon enough, the out-of-place-one will have to return to vagrancy where nobody wants 'it' and 'its' inability to make little friends will continue just as the world has observed. Damn, those self-serving political idiots who elevated 'it' to PM in the first place! Once out of the picture and alone with 'its' memes or no one, 'it' will no longer have access to the toys of corrupt authority. Therefore, loneliness with no one to listen, except maybe Mom, should become 'its' depressing reality. Even with all the money 'it' acquired and like other rich people, suicide might be 'its' escape.

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