Canada has become a racist country against the WHITE race all brought about by the narcissistic sociopath trudeau and his anti White supporters.

When will people realize and start to rebel against this waste of skin!

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Maybe MS. Thang needs to go back to where she originated from for being racist, what is good for you is no good for us, it's called tit for tat, get a life

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Gets more bizarre every day! Ontario is at a point of being another country with huge immigrant population and high crime rate…hmmmmm.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

We demand that Ms. Thang, or whatever imaginary gender she/her/he/it claims to be this afternoon, immediately resign and transfer her pensions and investments and benefits to the next unwhite non-binary she/he/her/it can grab off the street. Qualifications and experience are of no consideration, much like the Federal Liberal Caucus, where genitals were/are/seem to be the primary consideration.

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White's are targeted, they want us removed. Yet we stand by this genocide, quite, where are the white people. Where are the Canadian European white people in Richmond B.C.. 85% are Asian, and you know where they are ...homeless in Vancouver, that is where they are pushed out of their native lands. On drugs desperation, we just do not voice our causes as much as these folks. But it is the the white bleeding heart liberal, that somehow throw us under the bus.

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Not a dang thing we can do about it, this is the future of the entire world. I do believe the now white minority are the most non racist people and able to integrate and interact with other ethnicities better than most non white people other than with their own, there in lies the problem for our future. That is how I see it, I may be wrong.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

How many "White" immigrants from Ukrainian and other "White peoplefromotjer countries are coming to or are here in Canada?? Are the "woke" going to reject them too???

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

It is time rhat Caucasians/Whites started raising hell and protesting against these :woke" twits - and Ms. Thang has just put a target on her back as well as other "woke" twits!! And isn't she White??

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Teachers today are ignorant — not educated and don’t know it! Most teachers are females. They are not classically educated. They don’t understand the subjects they teach. The think they do and none of them are the wiser. How would they know?

During the Scottish enlightenment thousands of well educated men and women set off to Canada and shared their knowledges in schools across Canada.

Without the Scots the railroads would never have been built. Teachers today couldn’t hold a candle to those Scots. A classical education included learning facts. Children today are not taught to think? They are taught what to think. A generation of educated people would soon kick the idiots out.

I love to ask people if they know the table of elements? Or if they know that the times tables are equations? Or if they know where New Mexico is? Or if they understand the source of the currency they use? Todays young people don’t seem curious. They accept the wildest conjectures. Whomever it was first called university graduates uneducated was right. Zombies is a good description.

Where is the evidence that admitting hordes of people from elsewhere and admitting them to positions of influence benefits Canadians? Naturally, minorities seek influential roles in society, and as naturally these people favour their own interests. When you teach people a pile of ideological nonsense — rather than the periodic table of elements, and the calculus, and even basic chemistry and biology, or colour theory or music — these people ending up demanding the impossible; imagining boys can be turned into girls by cutting of their reproductive organs is insane, or that girls can become boys by removing their breasts and pumping them full of testosterone is a sign that society is degenerating.

Wholesale abortion is a monstrous abomination. Ms Thang is nothing but an ignorant preacher. …A fool! Stringing words together without any sensible awareness of the consequences.

Recently it was reported that female teachers objected to having to understand arithmetic and teach it if they were “only teaching” junior school students.

Which of course is prof how little they understand the importance of arithmetic in creating the modern world.

If teachers are ignorant about say, the importance of understanding latitude and longitude, how can they teach history and geography.

The age of discovery certainly manifested in some awful behaviours — like slavery; but it was white men and women, English men and women in particular, whom had witnessed the extent of slavery and its universal practices in their travels around the world who lobbied to have slavery outlawed.

The North American Indians certainly practiced child kidnapping , slavery of captured women, not to mention the most horribly cruel tortures.

Slavery in Africa was normal. Tribal chiefs sold their offspring. Ships plied the Indian Ocean bringing African men, women, and children to India. Slavery was an every day practice in Persia.

But if various browns and blacks and whites were educated they would know this. The main reason nuclear power plant workers and oil refinery workers and airline pilots are white is that mathematics is essential.

Blacks and browns have ruined cities across the United States with policies that destroy civil society. I invite anyone white, black or brown to walk the streets at night in certain neighbourhoods in Cleveland, Buffalo, Chicago, Los Angles, Portland, New York, Washington DC, and any city in the United States with an inner city and try to say the mess is due to white racism. The same is true of certain neighbourhoods in Toronto.

Miscegenation won’t fix it. It makes it worse!

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"The Great Replacement" is just that!

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