Trudeau and the Liberal party are the cancer, that needs to be removed, before it kills us all..!!!!!

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Great stuff Brad. Keep it up.

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Candice Malcolm recently interviewed Jonathan Kay who once help TURDO with the development of a book. He knows him very well. He remarked that Trudeau is Smart, but NOT A DEEP THINKER. Deep thinker is right at the top of my list of requirements for a PM.


What makes this matter worse is that the number one requirement to join Justin's Cabinet is that you not be as smart as him, or have no significant political ambitions of your own. There you have the perfect recipe for disaster.


Stop for a second and try to think of something that he has done that has benefited Canada over the past 6 years. Now consider the harm that he has VERY DELIBERATELY created. IMO - It's time to bring back Capital Punishment.


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When I lived in Quebec for about 30 years, I felt the distain similar to the distain I'd felt in Toronto in the 1940s, because I was a Jewish kid. To be an anglophone AND a Jew in Montreal is like being a rodent. My experience as a businessman showed me that I could only depend on one thing from French Canadians - that I couldn't depend on them.

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Even more reasons and justification for the creation of a Western Republic. Canada as we knew it simply cannot last forever,

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