Mar 5, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I know something that would help to rid Canada of TRUDEAU forever!...

Do you remember when the Fifth Estate (2017), did the story on a 2year/24/7 undercover RCMP investigation into the Chinese drug lords in Vancouver, laundering HOCKEY bags of CASH, in BC Government Casino's and receiving BC Gov cashiers cheques for their winning/drug money, which lead to the housing markets souring in prices, because the Chinese were spending their winnings!...

Well, what if that rabbit hole got a lot deeper, like a Liberal Online Casino to help launder Drug Lord money, with a percentage going to the Liberal party and Bonuses going DIRECTLY to the Trudeau Foundation!...

Do you think that would be enough to end this TRUDEAU nightmare we are all having???

Let me know what you think, thanks Robert

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

The Crime Minister Castreau and his Prime Enabler, Jagmeet Singh.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau is guilty as hell , has he ever been asked to take a lie dictator test?

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

A strong, armed Canadian population is needed to act as a check and balance to Trudeau's policy of tyranny and oppression . Arms yourselves and never give up your legally owned firearms if you want to live in a Democracy.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

It's not about Canadians, or Canada. These selfish sellouts are traitors. They're in it for themselves & their higher agenda. They've hijacked public office via lies, cheating, and dark money, probably from China 🇨🇳. The whole Ukraine war is about this agenda. The Ukraine Member of Parliament said she "would die fighting to be in the NewWorldOrder". The Liberals and NDP hatched a plan to stay in power as long as possible to do as much damage as possible in the quickest amount of time. I think they know their time is limited, that at some point the people are going to get upset. But I don't think that they think they will face any personal consequences. They're acting like they're Teflon, like they know that once the agenda is accomplished they will be protected. They're not just your ordinary run of the mill lying politicians and psychopaths and perverts. They are armed to the teeth. They have the upper hand. We have to stop them.

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Are Trudeau and Singh willing to sacrifice every remnant of individual freedom and democratic governance to keep their neo-authoritarian show on the road?


Like every capo in the chain of a criminal syndicate, they think the boss will never turn against them and they will always keep their share of the spoils but their usefulness always runs out and they won't see it coming. Criminals don't live to old age, they get taken out!

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How They Stole Half World’s Wealth


It is very possible to get back all the wealth that was stolen since 2009 by ‘printing money’. That was the year when despite typical world-wide increases in average GDP per year of 2-3%, the wealth of the Middle and Lower Classes just stopped growing. Since 2009 the only ones who have accumulated any wealth have been the Elites, the Billionaires, the super wealthy.


The solution is one that will surprise you. This situation can be reversed BY CONTINUING to print more money with one small alteration in the strategy. This time the profits would be deposited into the bank accounts of ordinary Citizens, not the Elites. Yes, it’s as simple as that.


As was the case previously, cooperation among most if not all the Western nations would be needed to dissuade the Elites from moving their money into other currencies. It took the Elites 12 years to steal half the world’s wealth, and it will take just as long to reverse that.


Make no mistake, the Uni-Party will not help with this effort. Wealth and debt can be used as a weapon and they will not easily give it up.


Details of the Theft


Adam Barratta described in detail how this wealth was stolen in his text ‘The Great Devaluation’. That description was partially hidden. He broke the explanation into five parts, and inserted it amongst other text within the first five chapters of his book. Download the PDF here …








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The capo's usefulness is the people he oppresses & extorts. It is when these people just say No that the criminal syndicate chain falls apart.

NDP, LIB, CPC leaders are all capos.

Canadians must just say No!

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