Oct 29, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Thanks for addressing this subject Mr. Satzberg, so much of this aid ends up in the pockets of the wrong people. Trudeau is known to have his priorities, foreign aid before looking after your own citizens all for that recognition he craves and a feather in his cap, it is a disgrace and I hope will be revised by Poilevere.

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You are most welcome

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg


Urgent plea: Send this your report ,out to every concerned recipient willing to receive it. Share it with local community news papers and other organizations who remain concerned about the state of our Nation. Wec need to spread the truth!

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I regularly post all of these on Facebook, X, Truth Social, and any other social platform I have. I even emailed some to Pierre Poilievre and a couple conservative Senators. I've never received a response though. I also send copies to some of my family and friends on messenger but not too much or they get all libtard on me.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Good Me too.

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That is appreciated

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4000 people have clicked so far

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Frightening incompetence

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Spot on Brad.

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Methinks Canadians are unknowingly paying the "Jizya"....the poll tax...to the Muslim countries....to avoid being targeted by Jihadi's.....It's Islamic protection- extortion money. And since 9-11....how many billions?

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What can you say? Trudeau craves attention & needs approval so bad that he will destroy the country to get it. He is truly is a pathetic individual.

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Decades of foreign aid is nothing more than re-distribution of wealth........Communism!

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"Cultural Marxism" as it is known in academic circles. TRUDEAU'S a believer

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“Meanwhile in Canada”…… middle-class ppl are not able to heat, and rely on food banks. And are eating once per day. Going for a Tim Hortons run, to feel like a typical Canadian; knowing it will cost $13, is a thing of the past. You tell yourself “cheap coffee and a toast is fine at home.”

The incompetence is so unbelievable its just like a faeiry tale without a happy ending. I sent this article to Pollievre this morning. He never addresses immigration or excessive foreign aid yet anyways. It has to just stop. It’s so true Brad, that if we keep bailing them out they never do anything themselves. They rely on handouts IF any of this money goes to rebuilding or the ppl which we know does not. But just like Zelenskyy, his wife caught shopping in luxury stores in Paris with what? our money? in the middle of a war, she goes shopping? that means they are just fine because I know what my parents did during the war, hid in caves with no food. It’s unbelievable. He goes from being a cross dressing comedian ( I saw the videos), to leader of UKR in what the citizens say was a rigged election. We never ask to see receipts of where the money goes.

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Voters have NO SAY, which applies to every critical social policy. Immigration, Multiculturalism LGBT, abortion, Euthanasia.

That's not true democracy

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….If we did it old school we would have a say. In other countries, child of satan would have been dragged by hair attached to horse and dragged naked to death. There are other ways that involve fire; because he is a spawn of Satan after all, and or a tree…

Oops sorry! I just woke up from a nap there… I was dreaming we had won somehow and defeated the troll and Canada was saved!

All my ettiquette and properness is gone when it deals with this scumbag.

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One can only dream!

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