Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

I am a 76 year old white male. Justin Trudeau’s father Pierre E Trudeau was a communist . Communists stopped referring to themselves or their rotten ideology as an ideal, realizing communism could never be realized honestly. Obviously communism earned a reputation in certain countries for the evil it is.

So instead they began to elevate progressivism and progress as a paramount ideal instead. Indeed classic virtue signalling.

Who in the 20th Century dare critique progress. But it is a classic deception!

It was the underpinning for a neologism suddenly fashionable, multiculturalism — a word of course loved by a generation of people who suddenly found themselves with a university degree devoid of certain classic underpinnings of a classical education. In other words they knew no history, no economics, and no political science other than certain received memes newly fashionable in pseudo educated circles.

Memes they repeated and never questioned.

These newly minted graduates never questioned the terms of the debate. They automatically saw that parroting the received conferred upward mobility and so disdained those who saw no merit in parroting the ideology of progressivism.

Progressivism was a cover you might say — disguising something evil and bad — as being something desirable and progressive.

Politicians, journalists, professors, civil servants (as they were then known), actresses and actors — imagined themselves as elites. The culture bestowed on them merits they never deserved. They were used!

Where did we see that before. Of course, in the Soviet Union. Useful idiots someone called them then.

Where are we today? Didn’t Trudeau Jr recently announce these affluent followers of political fashion were going to be fleeced.

So Canada today is a Fascist state. One in which every democratic institution has been overrun by internationalists and their ideology of their Rules Based Order.

Didn’t Biden issue Trudeau with orders to solve the border problem and then when Canadas fair minded citizens charged with keeping the peace accepted the Truckers were indeed peaceful and so left them to protest — indeed so peacefully parents were handing their children up into the truck cabs.

But Trudeau denigrated them in language completely inappropriate while failing to provide them the decency of a meeting.

The men in military garb brought in to break up the demonstration were unidentifiable. They were flown into Canada on a NATO plane landing in North Bay then bussed to Ottawa.

This is the man something like 25% of the population is said by pollsters will vote for him.

This is the man who lied about what he said during an interview on French TV, denying he said it when he sat before a board set up to investigate the legitimacy of his declaring the entire affair a national emergency invoking the War Measures Act.

Any decent democracy would have a means of evoking the recall of a Prime Minister manufacturing such discontent.

The years since Prime Minister Trudeau Sr have seen Canadas democratic principles and institutions eroded by the constant application of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is much like a thief in the night. The courts have seen off the founding principles of Canada’s Constitution calling it a living tree. Its protections were not ill conceived — they are intended to protect you, me and our children from the overbearing state Canada has become.

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Then they added sexuality to the Marxist agenda per LGBT and transgenderism.

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Jul 12Liked by Brad Salzberg

The solution is the gradual dismemberment of the STATE — the overburden of unnecessary bureaucracy; the dismantling of the PMOs office; rules against first generation immigrants participating in public life; a complete rethink of what education is and the removal of persons from within the revised expression of its manifestation who thwart its revival; most importantly a renewal of Parliament and its processes in the lives of Canadians.

As to school — give the parents vouchers. Schools then will have to advertise their offerings. Instead of propaganda school must focus on the basics. Children of 4 and 5 must not be forced to go to school they will want to attend if the process feeds their desire to understand the world they live in — the times tables for example are in fact a list of equations manifest in a logical progression. Teach the alphabet and the sounds of each letter. Teach the children to write. This of course informs the children’s subtle dexterities.

Have the children read out loud.

Teach grammar and grammar rules. Without language and the ability to get thoughts on paper the children will be handicapped adults i.e. victims of the STATE — capable of only parroting the received. Throw out multiple choice questions.

Before the future can be made meaningful our children must be educated. Citizens must be educated. The STATE does not want educated citizens. By the STATE I mean here a malfunctioning agglomeration of power possessing groups of those with a vested interest in vesting a structure with the inability to support citizens i.e. the majority of us living within one polity. Yes indeed populist! The alternative is absolute rule by the STATES bought and paid for supporters of the machinations of a minority of bloodsuckers who prey on its citizens and demand compliance with its (the STATES) diktats.

We no longer hear the word LIBERTY referenced anywhere including the STATES media outlets.

I want liberation from the implicit and explicit rules based order of the international — so called community — which infringes on my liberties ; and yours too.

Only a people with a deep cognizance of that which LIBERTY implies can enjoy their life.

Men like Trudeau are evil. Yes their presence denigrates civil society. His friends prefer ideology — something to which all of us must be forced to obey; or else.

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He did propose repeal of the Indian Act though. I'll give PET that. If the shrill malcontents of the AFN had not opposed that we wouldn't be looking at this "nation to nation" bullshit and north of 40 billion a year and indigenous exceptionalism and "mass graves" and all the other bullshit. "We'll keep them in the ghetto as long as they want" and there they are, except for the rich chiefs

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Jul 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

The most effective war is the one the target doesn't realize is happening.

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Essence of Woke

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by your article brad, canada is done.i see trudeau shooting his mouth of about the 2% for the military, mr wiggily walk says by 2032, watch what happens when president trump takes over. do you recall when the so called feminist backstabbed the president, that will never happen again.

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When extended toward racialized, they never stop bitching. Once the racism began to be directed at whites, then the powers turn to SILENCE.

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Jul 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

I clearly remember him acting like a gossipy 12 year old schoolgirl whispering in Macron's ear making fun of Trump when Trump was late for a meeting where Trudeau and Macron and a bunch of other "leaders" were waiting.Trump was right to call him 2 faced He is the biggest hyppocrit ever. Very unbecoming and embarrassing behavior.The problem is Trump's wrath will affect all of us negatively.

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Oh yes when he was caught bad mouthing Trump! Priceless

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I believe Trump said I can't shake Trudeau's hand, because I've all ready been accused of grabbing a pussy with my hand. Remember, the turd used covid as an excuse not to sign the North America Free Trade renegotiation. Justin left that to Freeland...

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

Just like Mao they start by indictrinating the children in state run schools, then they move on to elder abuse by telling cdns that are now retired that they caused the problems and need to repent by supporting the gvt narrative. Bring in 3rd world refugees with attitudes of ganging up on your neighbor/enemy who doesn't support the gvt narrative and you have an unwitting army of wokes that will march themselves into destruction, because marxists eventually come for everyone.

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Exactly right. And much of this came from Pierre Trudeau's importation of China, which quietly began to infuse itself in Canada's most prominent institutions.

To understand how this works, an excellent source is "The Art of War" by Chinese philosopher, Sun Tzu, who said, roughly:

"The most successful war is a SILENT WAR."

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i asked a question the other day, the new woke minister, if she was going to the front lines. lol. you know what my answer was......nothing, nada, a big fat zero,typical of a liberaL WOKER. by the way canada is done, can anyone save this country, i say no, but can any muslim tell me and the roc, what canada will be called.

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Jul 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

It doesn't matter how many ministers or supporters he throws under the bus. He's never going to run short of fall guys.

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Notice none of the fall guys are Liberal Mps of 3rd world origin

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Jul 12Liked by Brad Salzberg

When it happens to Guilbeault...

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Brenda Lucki - STOOGE for HIRE and FIRE. Tell me, where can I get an RCMP replica police car, Brenda? Amazon Prime weekend is coming up!!

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Jul 12Liked by Brad Salzberg

The most bizarre part of this white hatred is the people who are pushing the narrative. Have any of these jokers ever looked in a mirror? I guess our prime moron is so self loathing that he can’t remember how many times he dressed in his blackface costume.

Although I’m not well educated am I wrong in assuming that self loathing is a mental condition? And if so would that not be legal grounds to have prince black face removed from power? Surely there has to be some kind of wording in our government protocol that would make a mental issue such as self loathing grounds for dismissal at the very least? In fact a crime minister with issues like his should be held for a mental assesment !!! The past 9 years has been , if nothing else , proof that our entire system of government is in desperate need of an overhaul !!!

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Many are white themselves. This is the result of 50 years of Marxist propaganda in Canada which began with commie Pierre Trudeau.

How many "racialized" Canadians run around trashing their own kind? How.many politicians of 3rd world heritage?


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Jul 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

"...Against White Canadians Must Be Added To 'Anti-Racism' Initiatives!" Then, there would be no bad people to hate.

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Every Marxist derived revolution includes a demonized targeted community.

In Canadastan, its the white male.

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It may be to late to sensibly have the debate/fight with good odds but they want us trapped in a corner where they can poke us with sticks forever.

If we don't stop it, we will be like the Jews trapped in Egypt for hundreds of years awaiting divine in intervention. I'd like better for my kids.

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It took the 338 MPs 3 weeks to debate the changing of 1 word in the national anthem.


Disgusting Educated Idiots.

Please, provide your best DEI acronyms.

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Best ask a Vietnamese person how American/Vietnamese bastards are treated in their country.

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The A-Hole will be gone soon enough and than Canadians can rebuild Canada to what it once was!!

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